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Major: Environmental Studies
Code of Subject: 8.101.00.M.13
Credits: 3
Department: Ukrainian Language
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Zoriana Kunch
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
understanding of the main stages of the world rhetoric development;
• knowledge of the Ukrainian rhetorical studies;
• determining of the modern academic eloquence status;
• ability to realize the basic aspects of the psychology and culture of language communication;
• ability to distinguish features of different forms of academic communication;
• knowledge of the types and genres of public speaking;
• ability to develop different types of speeches according to their construction peculiarities;
• ability to adhere to the speech structure and composition;
• ability to use different forms of communication among the people in the team;
• understanding the main stages of speech preparation;
• ability to use the means for activating the audience attention.
• ability to develop theoretical principles of speech preparation;
• ability to distinguish different forms of academic communication features;
• ability to select material for speech preparation;
• ability to organize and conduct discussions;
• ability to prepare informative and persuasive speeches;
• ability to draw up a detailed plan of presentation, abstracts of the report;
• ability to pick up arguments and means to stimulate the attention of the listeners;
• ability to speak to an audience in accordance with the laws of rhetoric.
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Basic stages in the development of rhetoric, historical traditions of rhetoric, the status of modern rhetoric, the main aspects of the psychology and culture of language communication, theoretical basis in the preparation of speeches and other public appearances, features of various forms of public or professional business communication.
Recommended Books:
1) Rytoryka: pidruchnyk/ Zoryana Kun'ch, Halyna Horodylovs'ka, Iryna Shmilyk. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2016. – 496 s.
2) Kun'ch Z.Y. Ukrayins'ka rytoryka: Istoriya stanovlennya i rozvytku: Posibnyk dlya studentiv ekonomichnykh ta humanitarnykh spetsial'nostey. – L'viv, 2011. – 160 s.
3) Onufriyenko H.S. Rytoryka. Navch. posibnyk. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2008. – 592 s.
4) Testovi zavdannya z rytoryky dlya studentiv / uklad. Z.Y. Kun'ch, H.P. Horodylovs'ka, H.L. Voznyuk, N.I. Holubinka, I.D. Shmilyk. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2015, – 44 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Test: participation – 100 points (oral interviews).