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Big Data Management

Major: Software engineering
Code of Subject: 8.121.00.O.4
Credits: 4
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Dr.Sc, Prof., Roman Tkachenko
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Ability to use in-depth theoretical and fundamental knowledge of big data to develop complex systems..
• Ability to design and implement models of large information systems using computer simulation tools..
• Ability to carry out systematic analysis effectively, to choose conceptual model of information system environment on the basis of information models and artificial intelligence methods.
• Ability to apply knowledge and practical skills of analysis of relevant regulations, current standards and technical specifications in the industry.
• Practical application of current state-of-the-art knowledge and state-of-the-art Big Data technologies in the field of information technology.
• Teamwork skills and conflict resolution.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Methods of analysis and optimization of complex systems.
• Machine Learning in Big Data Tasks Forecasting.
Summary of the subject:
The concept of Big Data. Big Data History. Volumes of data. Requirements for Big Data Processing Systems. The role of Apache Hadoop in processing Big Data. Big Data Analysis Techniques. High-speed neural structures of machine learning. Application of the ICCPR NA to Big Data analytics.
Recommended Books:
1. Про основні засади розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Україні на 2007– 2015 роки: Закон України від 9 січн. 2007 р. № 537– V. – Відомості Верховної Ради України. – 2007. –№ 12. – С. 102.
2. Большие данные. Революция, которая изменит то, как мы живем, работаеми мыслим / В. М. Шенбергер, К. Кукьер; пер. с англ. Инны Гайдюк. – М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2014. – 240 с.
3. Сетевая экономика: учебное пособие / В. Н. Клюковкин, Н. В. Морозова, Л. М. Куимова; Алт. гос. техн. Ун-т, БТИ. – Бийск: Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 2008. – 117 с.
4. Lynch C. How do your data grow? / C. Lynch // Nature. – 2008. – V. 455. №7209.– P. 28-29.
Assessment methods and criteria:
performing tasks in practical classes (40%)
final control (exam): written-oral form (60%)