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Methods of Pharmacognostic Analysis and Quality Control Medicinal Plant Material

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of Subject: 8.226.00.O.11
Credits: 3
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Hubytska Iryna Ivanivna, Associate Professor, Ph.D.Stadnytska Natalya Yevgenivna
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the methods of analysis of medicinal plant raw materials: commodity, macro and microscopic, phytochemical, luminescent, chromatographic, biological;
• to know the basic methods and techniques for identifying different classes of biologically active substances;
• to know the principles of operation of equipment for conducting physical and chemical research;
• be able to analyze medicinal herbal raw materials (commodity, macro and microscopic, phytochemical, luminescent, chromatographic, biological);
• be able to standardize and produce different dosage forms of a broad spectrum of therapeutic action, to carry out their quality control in order to optimize storage conditions.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Modern methods of identification of organic compounds;
• Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
• Good Pharmacy Practices (Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice).
Summary of the subject:
The current state of research on medicinal herbs (MH) and medicinal products based on them. Commodity analysis of the MH. Macroscopic analysis of MH. Microscopic analysis of MH. Determination of Numeric Indicators of the MH. Phytochemical study of medicinal plant material used for the production of extracts. Research of qualitative composition and isolation of biologically active substances from medicinal plant raw materials. Preparation and standardization of substance from medicinal herbs and preparations based on them.
Recommended Books:
1. Солодовниченко Н.М., Журавльов М.С., Ковальов В.М. Лікарська рослинна сировина та фітопрепарати: Навч. посіб. з фармакогнозії з основами біохімії лікарських рослин для студ.вищих фарм. навч. закладів III-IV рівнів акред. (2-е вид.) - X.: Вид-во НФаУ; МТК- книга, 2003. -408 с.
2. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». - 2-е вид. -Харків: Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів», 2014. -Т. 2. -724 с.
3. Чекман І.С. Клінічна фітотерапія. - K.: Видавництво A.C.K., 2003. – 552.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, current control works, individual research assignment - 40 points;
• final control - 60 points (control, exam): written-oral form.

Methods of Pharmacognostic Analysis and Quality Control Medicinal Plant Material

Major: Pharmacy, Industry Pharrnacy
Code of Subject: 8.226.00.O.11
Credits: 3
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Hubytska Iryna Ivanivna, Associate Professor, Ph.D.Stadnytska Natalya Yevgenivna
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the methods of analysis of medicinal plant raw materials: commodity, macro and microscopic, phytochemical, luminescent, chromatographic, biological;
• to know the basic methods and techniques for identifying different classes of biologically active substances;
• to know the principles of operation of equipment for conducting physical and chemical research;
• be able to analyze medicinal herbal raw materials (commodity, macro and microscopic, phytochemical, luminescent, chromatographic, biological);
• be able to standardize and produce different dosage forms of a broad spectrum of therapeutic action, to carry out their quality control in order to optimize storage conditions.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Modern methods of identification of organic compounds;
• Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
• Good Pharmacy Practices (Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice).
Summary of the subject:
The current state of research on medicinal herbs (MH) and medicinal products based on them. Commodity analysis of the MH. Macroscopic analysis of MH. Microscopic analysis of MH. Determination of Numeric Indicators of the MH. Phytochemical study of medicinal plant material used for the production of extracts. Research of qualitative composition and isolation of biologically active substances from medicinal plant raw materials. Preparation and standardization of substance from medicinal herbs and preparations based on them.
Recommended Books:
1. Солодовниченко Н.М., Журавльов М.С., Ковальов В.М. Лікарська рослинна сировина та фітопрепарати: Навч. посіб. з фармакогнозії з основами біохімії лікарських рослин для студ.вищих фарм. навч. закладів III-IV рівнів акред. (2-е вид.) - X.: Вид-во НФаУ; МТК- книга, 2003. -408 с.
2. Державна Фармакопея України : в 3 т. / Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів». - 2-е вид. -Харків: Державне підприємство «Український науковий фармакопейний центр якості лікарських засобів», 2014. -Т. 2. -724 с.
3. Чекман І.С. Клінічна фітотерапія. - K.: Видавництво A.C.K., 2003. – 552.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, current control works, individual research assignment - 40 points;
• final control - 60 points (control, exam): written-oral form.