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Social Change Management

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 8.231.00.M.20
Credits: 5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: DSc in Politology, Professor Larysa Klymanska, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor Volodymyr Proskura
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of historical and modern conceptual, methodological and methodological principles of social work.
2. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of theoretical and applied principles of a wide range of varieties and areas of research.
3. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific achievements and practical experience in the field of social change.
5. Integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different interdisciplinary areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific area of ??research.
6. To choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in the implementation of theoretical and empirical research in the field of social change.
7. Conduct research and carry out research projects on the basis of identification of current scientific problems, definition of goals and objectives, formation and critical analysis of the information base, substantiation and commercialization of research results, formulation of author's conclusions and proposals.
8. Carry out modeling and socio-economic diagnosis of various processes and objects in the field of social change.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous academic disciplines
Actual problems of socio-humanitarian sciences

Related and subsequent disciplines
Current state and prospects for the development of scientific knowledge in the field of "Social Work"
Summary of the subject:
The discipline addresses the nature and place of social change in social work, knowledge and skills needed to manage social change, the role that the community can play in the process of change, stages of the process of planning and implementing social change, factors that determine the success of social change, resource provision of social changes.
Recommended Books:
1. Methodical instructions for the control work in the discipline "Management of social change" for students of III level of higher education of all forms of education / Encl .: Klimanska LD, Proskura VV - Lviv, 2016. - 12 p.
2. Methodical instructions for the implementation of practical classes in the discipline of "Management of social change" for students of III level of higher education of all forms of education / Encl .: Klimanska LD, Proskura VV - Lviv, 2016. - 20 p.
3. Methodical instructions for independent study of the discipline "Management of social change" / Encl .: Klimanska LD, Proskura VV - Lviv, 2016. - 20p.
4. Armstrong M. Strategic management of human resources / M. Armstrong. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002. - 328 p.
5. Danilova EA The essence of social changes in the organization / EA Danilova // Management of social changes in unstable conditions: All-Russian scientific conference; May 24, 2016, Moscow, MSU Shimeni MV Lomonosov, Faculty of Sociology: Proceedings of the conference / Similar. ed. VP Васильева. - M .: MAX Press, 2016. - P.306-309
6. Sociology of management. Toshchenko Zh.T. Textbook. - Moscow: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, 2011. - 300 p.
7. Alinsky, S. (2010) .Rulesforradicals.Vintage.
8. Carroll, W.K. Ed. (1997). Organizing dissent: Contemporary social movements in theory and practice (2nd Ed.) Toronto: Garamond Press.
9. Chomsky, N. (1998). Profit over People: Neoliberalism and global order. Seven Stories Press: New York.
10. Clark, S.D. et. al. Eds (1975). Prophecy and protest: Social movements in the twentieth Century Canada. Toronto: Gage Educational Publishing Ltd.
11 Homan, Mark S. (2004). PromotingCommunityChange: MakingItHappenintheRealWorld. Brooks / Cole.
12 Masolo, D. (2010). Self and community in a changing world. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
14. Moghadam, V. M. (2012). Globalization and social movements: Islamism, feminism, and the global justice movement. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
15. Turow, J. (2011). The daily you: How the new advertising industry is defining you identity and your worth. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
16. Waltz, M. (2005). Alternative and media activist. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
17. White, M. (2016). The end of protest: A new playbook for revolution. Toronto: Penguin.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control in practical, seminar classes is carried out in order to identify the readiness of the student for classes in the following forms:
• selective oral examination before classes;
• frontal standardized survey on cards, tests for 5-10 minutes;
• frontal check of homework;
• assessment of the student's activity in the process of classes, suggestions, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc.
Control questions are divided into:
a) test tasks - to choose the correct answers;
b) problematic - the creation of problematic situations;
c) replica questions - identify causal relationships;
d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation;
e) issues of reproductive nature - determination of practical significance;
f) interactive quiz and game tasks.
Final control is carried out based on the results of current control and control work.