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System of Social Security and Support

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 8.231.00.M.17
Credits: 5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: DSc in Political Science, Professor Larysa Klymanska
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate deep sound knowledge of basic research paradigms, strategies and procedures and modern paradigms and concepts of social protection, and their implementation in their own research;
2. Orient in the issues of international experience of social security and social protection and use this knowledge in the theoretical substantiation and practical introduction of innovative foreign practices in domestic social security;
3. Demonstrate the ability to deeply substantiate knowledge about the main processes in the social sphere in the world for the last quarter of a century;
4. Be able to identify, analyze and combine information from various sources, documents, texts, research results to consider relevant issues of social protection;
5. Conduct individual research - to plan and on the basis of research to contribute to social and humanitarian knowledge, presenting the results of scientific research for publication in scientific journals and publications, conference proceedings.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous academic disciplines
Actual problems of socio-humanities
Summary of the subject:
The discipline involves the study of graduate students issues related to improving the system of social protection and social security as a factor in building a welfare state, the formation of a perfect legal framework for social protection, financing of social protection and social security, foreign experience of models and programs of social security their introduction into the social protection system in Ukraine. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of social protection and social security of the population The system of social protection in Ukraine: essence, main components and directions of improvement. Regulatory field of social protection and social security. Financial aspects of the formation of the system of social protection and social security. Actual problems of social security Foreign experience in the functioning of the social protection system.
Recommended Books:
1. Barannik LB Social protection of citizens: a textbook / L.B. Barannyk– Dnipropetrovsk: Dnipropetrovsk State Financial Academy, 2010. - 276 p.
2. Zin EA Regional Economy: Textbook / EA Zin - K .: VD "Professional", 2007. - 528 p.
3. Belyaev OO Social economy: Textbook / О.О. Belyaev (supervisor, author), MI Dyba, VI Кириленко, О.М. Комяков, О.В. Sinelnik. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2003. - 244p.
4. The right of social protection: formation and development in Ukraine [Electronic resource] - Access modehttp: //readbookz.com/books/173.html - Name from the title screen.
5. Golovnina OG Fundamentals of social economy: textbook / OG The main thing. - 2nd ed., Reworked. and ext. - К.: Центр учб.Літерат., 2013. - 648 с.
6. Pilipenko PD Social security law: Textbook. way. for students. jurid. special, higher. textbook lock / PD Pilipenko, V. Ya. Burak, SM Sinchuk and others. / Ed. PD Pilipenko. - Kyiv: In Yure Publishing House, 2006. - 496 p.
7. Analytical report on the topic: "The system of social protection and social security in Ukraine: the real state and prospects of reform", Kyiv, 2009. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.irf.ua/files/ukr/ programs_law_areas_publ_2028_ua_law.pdf - Name with title screen
8. Deacon B. Global social policy. International organizations and the future of social welfare: Per. from English / B. Deacon, M. Hals, P. Stubbs. -Kyiv: Osnovy, 1999.-346 p.
9. Zelenevich VO Foreign experience of health care financing / V.O. Зеленевич, А.І. Kuzmin. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://intkonf.org/zelenevich-vo-ktn-kuzmin-ai-zarubizhniy-dosvid-finansuvannya-ohoroni-zdorovya/ - Name from the title screen
10. Carlin MI Financial system of Ukraine / M.I. Carlin. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.libr.dp.ua/site-libr/?idm=1&idp=63&ida=403 - Name from the title screen
11 .. Marynovych U. Foreign experience of budget formation and possibilities of its use in Ukraine / U. Marynovych. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://libfor.com/index.php?newsid=155 - Name with title screen
12. Novikov VM Organization and development of the social sphere (foreign and domestic experience) / V.M. Новиков. - K: IE NAS of Ukraine, 2000. - 274 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control 40 points
Exam 60 points