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Monumental Design

Major: Architectural environment design
Code of Subject: 7.191.03.E.46
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Yuliya Bohdanova.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Studying basic concepts and directions of designing monumental objects in urban environment, public buildings, gardens and parks and skills use of monumental design as an effective means of organizing architectural and artistic expressiveness of public buildings interiors.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. History of Architecture;
2. Design of architectural environment of public buildings and structures;
3. Architectural design;
4. Engineering Landscaping and Transport;
5. Architectural Materials Science.
Summary of the subject:
Studying the basics of monumental design in complex design of architectural environment; acquaintance with the principles, techniques and means of monumental design; raising the level of professional training of architects and designers in the field of architectural design.
Recommended Books:
1. Azizyan I. A. Pamyatniki i vlast'. [Monuments and power]. – M.: Era, 1999. – Vyp. 4. vlast' i tvorchestvo. – S.146–153. [in Russian].
2. Al'berti Leon-Battista. Desyat' knig o zodchestve (v dvukh tomakh). [Ten books on architecture]. – M.: Izdatel'stvo vsesoyuznoy akademii arkhitektury, 1937. – 392s. (I), 793s. (II). [in Russian].
3. Artamonov V. A. Gorod i monument. [City and Monument]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1974. – 224s. [in Russian].
4. Arkhitektura L?vova: Chas i styli. XIII – XXI st. / Uporyadnyk i naukovyy redaktor YU.O.Birul?ov. [Lviv Architecture: Time and Styles. XIII - XXI centuries]. – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 2008. – 720s. [in Ukrainian].
5. Belyayeva Ye. L. Arkhitekturno-prostranstvennaya sreda goroda kak ob"yekt zritel'nogo vospriyatiya. [The architectural and spatial environment of the city as an object of visual perception]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1977. – 127s. [in Russian].
6. Bunin A. V. Istoriya gradostroitel'nogo iskusstva: V 2-kh t. [History of urban planning art: In 2 volumes]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1979. T.1 – 495s. [in Russian].
7. Asyeyev YU. S., Vechers?kyy V. V., Hodovanyuk O. M. Istoriya ukrayins?koyi arkhitektury. [History of Ukrainian Architecture]. – K.: Tekhnika, 2003. – 472s.[in Ukrainian].
8. Kruglova M. G. Monumenty v arkhitekture gorodov. [Monuments in the architecture of cities]. – M.: Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo literatury po stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture, 1952. – 123s. [in Russian].
9. Strautmanis I. A.. Informativno-emotsional'nyy potentsial arkhitektury. [Informative-emotional potential of architecture]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1978. – 119s. [in Russian].
10. Cherkes B.S. Natsional?na identychnist? v arkhitekturi mista: Monohrafiya. [National identity in city architecture: Monograph]. – L.: Vydavnytstvo natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2008. – 268s. [in Ukrainian].
11. Proskuryakov V. I, Yatsiv M. B. Monumental?nyy dyzayn: Konspekt lektsiy. [Monumental Design: Lecture Notes]. – L.: Vydavnytstvo Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2010. – 91s. [in Ukrainian].
Assessment methods and criteria:
Differentiated credit. Graphic work – 75 p; Oral component – 25p. Together for discipline – 100p.