Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Restructuring and Adaptation Buildings and Structures by Design Facilities

Major: Architectural environment design
Code of Subject: 7.191.03.E.36
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate ProfessorSerhiy Ivanov-Kostetskiy.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Study of the history of industrial architecture and basic concepts and directions of adaptation and renovation of such buildings and structures by architectural design.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. History of Architecture;
2. Typology of Public Buildings and Structures;
3. Design of architectural environment of public buildings and structures;
4. Architectural Colour Science;
5. History of Modern Architecture.
Summary of the subject:
The lecture course is dedicated to the integration of industrial architecture and rehabilitation in the renovation, renovation and adaptation of industrial and new consumer equipment.
Recommended Books:
1.Vershinin V. I. Evolyutsiya promyshlennoy arkhitektury: Ucheb. posobiye. [The evolution of industrial architecture: Textbook.]. – M.: Arkhitektura-S, 2007. – 176s. [in Russian].
2. Kostov K. D. Tipologiya promyshlennykh zdaniy. [Typology of industrial buildings]. – M: Stroyizdat, 1987. – 208s. [in Russian].
3. Tyutyunnik YU. G. Ob'yekty industrial'noy kul'tury i landshafta.[Objects of industrial culture and landscape]. – K.: Izd.-pech. kompl. Uni-ta «Ukraina», 2007. – 152s. [in Russian].
4. Suprunovych YU. O. Renovatsiya promyslovykh ob?yektiv // Perspektyvni napryamky proektuvannya zhytlovykh ta hromads?kykh budivel?. [Renovation of industrial objects // Perspective directions of designing of residential and public buildings]. – K.: KyivZNDIEP, 2004. – S. 98-101. [in Ukrainian].
5. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: Knizhkova lіtera, 2016. – 624s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Bunin A. V. Istoriya gradostroitel'nogo iskusstva: V 2-kh t. [History of urban planning art: In 2 volumes].– M.: Stroyizdat, 1979. T.1 – 495s.[in Russian].
7. Cherkes B. S. Natsional?na identychnist? v arkhitekturi mista: Monohrafiya. [National identity in city architecture: Monograph]. – L.: Vydavnytstvo natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2008. – 268s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Lіnda S. М. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud. [Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s.[in Ukrainian].
Assessment methods and criteria:
Examination. Graphic work – 70 p; Oral component – 30 p. Together for discipline – 100 p.