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Modification Processes in Polymer Technology

Major: Processes and Equipment of Chemical Plants
Code of Subject: 7.161.09.O.3
Credits: 3
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate professor Bratychak Mykhaylo Mykhaylovich
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
to get skills for the choice of optimal methods of modification for the grant of certain properties to concrete materials
• • able to manage physical and chemical processes which take place at modification with the purpose of achievement of necessary properties;
• • rationally and directionally to use necessary appendixes to the polymers for extending of their exploitation and grant of necessary consumer properties;
• • to know basic physical, mechanical, technological and operating properties of polymers depending on the method of receipt;
• • to know industries of application of polymers, modified foods and the plastic masses on their basis;
Required prior and related subjects:
• Physics,
• General chemistry
• Organic chemistry,
• Chemistry of polymers
Summary of the subject:
Concept of modification of polymers. Polymeric composition materials. Methods of creation of polymeric compositions. Thermodynamics compatibility. Unpolymeric components of compositions. Compatibility of plasticizers is with polymers. Fillers. Physical modification, ways of realization. Physical and chemical modification. Additions of physical modification. Technological requirements are to the elements. Additions which are used for modification. Classification of appendixes is to the polymers after their functions. Additions which improve the terms of processing. Methods of introduction of additions. Plasticizers. Stabilizators. Hardeners. Blowing agents. Zamaslyuvachi. Concept of chemical modification. Types of chemical modification. Chemical modification by oxidization, hydrogenizing, halogenation, vaccinations and joining of free radicals. Modification is on napravlennosti influence on property. Thermostability. Frost-resistance. Moisture resistance. Chemical resistance. Fire-resistance. Combined methods of modification. Ground of choice of polymer and method of modification.
Recommended Books:
1. Суберляк, О.В. Теоретичні основи хімії та технології полімерів: навч. посібник / О.В. Суберляк, В.Й. Скорохода, Н.Б. Семенюк. – Львів: в-во НУ ЛП, 2014. – 336 с.
2. Усачева, Т.С. Общая химическая технология полимеров: учеб. пособие / Т.С. Усачева, В.А. Козлов. – Іваново: Иван. гос. хим.-технол. ун-т, 2012. - 238 с.
3. Кулезнев, В. Н. Основы технологии переработки пластмасс / под ред. В. Н. Кулезнёва и В. К. Гусева. - М. : Химия, 2006. - 726 с.
4. Пахаренко, В. А. Переработка полимерных композиционных материалов / В. А. Пахаренко, Р. А. Яковлева, А. В. Пахаренко. - К. : Изд. комп. «Воля», 2006. - 552 с.
5. Суберляк, О. В. Технологія переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів: підручник / О. В. Суберляк, П. І. Баштанік. – Львів : Вид-во ”Растр-7”, 2007. - 376 с.
6. Адаменко, Н. А. Конструкционные полимерные композиты: учеб. пособие / Н. А. Адаменко, А. Ф. Фетисов, Г. В. Агафонова. – Волгоград: ВГТУ, 2010. – 99 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• the verbal questioning is on practical, control work (30%)
• final control (70 %, control measure, test) : in writing-verbal form (70%)