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Principles of Commodity Research of Foodstuffs and Cosmetics

Major: Processes and Equipment of Chemical Plants
Code of Subject: 7.161.09.M.27
Credits: 5
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Associate professor Donchak Volodymyr.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Students should know:
methodology of commodity information;
general systems of classification of goods;
methods of classification of assortment groups of goods;
methods of identification of goods;
regulatory international and state documents on product quality control;
the main rights of producers and consumers of goods;
main groups of food products and cosmetics.
Students should be able:
to use methods of scientific knowledge of goods when creating assortment groups of goods;
to define basic indicators of quality of goods;
use the means and criteria for identifying goods;
distinguish between falsified goods.
Required prior and related subjects:
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Physics, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Technology of Food Production, Chemistry and Technology of Cosmetic Products, Chemistry of Organic Natural Compounds.
Summary of the subject:
Objects, methods, content and tasks of theoretical foundations of commodity science. Classification and coding of goods. Basis of formation of consumer properties and consumer value of food products. The quality of food products. Standardization and certification of food products and cosmetics. Cereal products. Fruit and vegetable goods. Starch, sugar, honey and confectionery. Tasty goods. Fat products. Milk and dairy products. Meat and meat products. Eggs and egg products. Fish and fish products. Food concentrates. Perfumery and cosmetics.
Recommended Books:
Сирохман І.В., Задорожний І.М., Пономарьов П.Х. Товарознавство продовольчих товарів. Підручник. - Київ: Лібра, 2007.-600 c.
Сирохман І.В., Задорожний І.М., Пономарьов П.Х. Товарознавство продовольчих товарів. Підручник. - Київ: Лібра, 2005.- 368 c.
Сирохман І.В., Задорожний І.М., Пономарьов П.Х. Товарознавство продовольчих товарів. Підручник. - Київ: Лібра, 1998.- 632 c.
Павлов В.І., Павліха Н.В., Мишко О.В., Опьонова І.В. Основи стандартизації, сертифікації та ідентифікації товарів: Навчальний посібник.- Луцьк: Надстир’я.- 2002.- 252 с.
Пономарьов П.Х., Сирохман І.В. Безпека харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини. Навчальний посібник.-К.: Лібра, 1999.- 272 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Written reports on laboratory work (30%);
final control (70%), exam: written and oral forms.