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Forecasting of Economic Processes

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration
Code of Subject: 7.073.01.E.40
Credits: 4
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Tetyana Volodymyrivna Kulinich, Assoc. Prof. Yulia Viktorivna Voitsekhovska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• have a basic knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods needed to understand the methodological foundations of forecasting economic processes; have sufficient expertise in forecasting of business activity in the business plan of the company;
• be able to develop economic forecasts; to predict the level of economic indicators; to introduce intra-prediction technology for capacity planning organization, its marketing, facilities, resources, costs and budgets; to skilled use of IFRS reporting, analysis and forecasting of its operations and effective strategic management;
• have an idea about the features to solve practical problems in the professional work in the field of forecasting economic processes that involves the use of appropriate methods, tools and models
Required prior and related subjects:
prerequisites: Business Economy
co-requisites: Management of Corporate Change
Summary of the subject:
Methodological basis of forecasting economic processes. The sequence of development of economic forecasts. The methods of technical analysis. Extrapolation methods. Pair and multiple regression in predicting economic processes. Expert forecasting methods. Evaluation of forecasts. The system of economic forecasting. Modeling economic development organization.
Recommended Books:
1. Боровиков В. П. Прогнозирование в системе STATISTICA в среде Windows / В. П. Боровиков, Г. И. Ивченко. – М. : Финансы и статистика, 1997. – 268 с.
2. Геєць В. М. Моделі і методи соціально-економічного прогнозування : підручник / В. М. Геєць, Т. С. Клебанова, О. І. Черняк та ін. – Х. : ВД "ІНЖЕК", 2005. – 396 с.
3. Иванов В. В. Анализ временных рядов и прогнозирование экономических показателей / В. В. Иванов. – Х. : ХНУ, 1999. – 230 с.
4. Клебанова Т. С. Методы и модели прогнозирования социально-экономических процессов : учебн. пособ. / Т. С. Клебанова, В. А. Курзенев, В. Н. Наумов и др. – СПб. : Издательство СЗИУ РАНХ и ГС, 2012. – 566 с.
5. Клебанова Т. С. Методы прогнозирования : учебн. пособ. / Т. С. Клебанова, В. В. Иванов, Н. А. Дубровина. – Х. : Изд. ХГЭУ, 2002. – 372 с.
6. Клебанова Т. С. Эконометрия на персональном компьютере / Т. С. Клебанова, Н. А. Дубровина, А. В. Милов и др. – Х. : Изд. ХГЭУ, 2002. – 208 с.
7. Клебанова Т. С. Нечітка логіка та нейронні мережі в управлінні підприємством / Т. С. Клебанова, Л. О. Чаговець, О. В. Панасенко. – Х. : ВД "ІНЖЕК", 2011. – 240 с.
8. Сайт Державного комітету статистики України. – Режим доступу : www.ukrstat.gov.ua.
9. Brigham, E. F. Financial Management: Theory and Practice: 13th Edition / Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt. – USA : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. - 1152 р.
10. Damodaran A. Applied Corporate Finance : 3rd ed. / Aswath Damodaran. – USA : John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 2011. – 738 p.
11. Choudhary N. Optimal Balance of Financial Instruments: Long-Term Management, Market Volatility & Proposed Changes / Nishant Choudhary. - USA : George Washington University Law School, LL.M, 2011. – 520 p.
12. Антилл Н. Оценка компаний: анализ и прогнозирование с использованием отчетности по МСФО : пер. с англ. / Ник Антилл, Кеннет Ли. - Москва : Альпина Паблишер, 2013. - 437 с. [Пер. изд. : Company valuation under IFRS interpreting and forecasting accounts using international financial reporting standards / Nick Antill, Kenneth Lee].
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory workshops, recitation, tests (40%)
• final control (60% control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)

Forecasting of Economic Processes

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of Subject: 7.073.01.E.40
Credits: 4
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Tetyana Volodymyrivna Kulinich, Assoc. Prof. Yulia Viktorivna Voitsekhovska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• have a basic knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods needed to understand the methodological foundations of forecasting economic processes; have sufficient expertise in forecasting of business activity in the business plan of the company;
• be able to develop economic forecasts; to predict the level of economic indicators; to introduce intra-prediction technology for capacity planning organization, its marketing, facilities, resources, costs and budgets; to skilled use of IFRS reporting, analysis and forecasting of its operations and effective strategic management;
• have an idea about the features to solve practical problems in the professional work in the field of forecasting economic processes that involves the use of appropriate methods, tools and models
Required prior and related subjects:
prerequisites: Business Economy
co-requisites: Management of Corporate Change
Summary of the subject:
Methodological basis of forecasting economic processes. The sequence of development of economic forecasts. The methods of technical analysis. Extrapolation methods. Pair and multiple regression in predicting economic processes. Expert forecasting methods. Evaluation of forecasts. The system of economic forecasting. Modeling economic development organization.
Recommended Books:
1. Боровиков В. П. Прогнозирование в системе STATISTICA в среде Windows / В. П. Боровиков, Г. И. Ивченко. – М. : Финансы и статистика, 1997. – 268 с.
2. Геєць В. М. Моделі і методи соціально-економічного прогнозування : підручник / В. М. Геєць, Т. С. Клебанова, О. І. Черняк та ін. – Х. : ВД "ІНЖЕК", 2005. – 396 с.
3. Иванов В. В. Анализ временных рядов и прогнозирование экономических показателей / В. В. Иванов. – Х. : ХНУ, 1999. – 230 с.
4. Клебанова Т. С. Методы и модели прогнозирования социально-экономических процессов : учебн. пособ. / Т. С. Клебанова, В. А. Курзенев, В. Н. Наумов и др. – СПб. : Издательство СЗИУ РАНХ и ГС, 2012. – 566 с.
5. Клебанова Т. С. Методы прогнозирования : учебн. пособ. / Т. С. Клебанова, В. В. Иванов, Н. А. Дубровина. – Х. : Изд. ХГЭУ, 2002. – 372 с.
6. Клебанова Т. С. Эконометрия на персональном компьютере / Т. С. Клебанова, Н. А. Дубровина, А. В. Милов и др. – Х. : Изд. ХГЭУ, 2002. – 208 с.
7. Клебанова Т. С. Нечітка логіка та нейронні мережі в управлінні підприємством / Т. С. Клебанова, Л. О. Чаговець, О. В. Панасенко. – Х. : ВД "ІНЖЕК", 2011. – 240 с.
8. Сайт Державного комітету статистики України. – Режим доступу : www.ukrstat.gov.ua.
9. Brigham, E. F. Financial Management: Theory and Practice: 13th Edition / Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt. – USA : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. - 1152 р.
10. Damodaran A. Applied Corporate Finance : 3rd ed. / Aswath Damodaran. – USA : John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 2011. – 738 p.
11. Choudhary N. Optimal Balance of Financial Instruments: Long-Term Management, Market Volatility & Proposed Changes / Nishant Choudhary. - USA : George Washington University Law School, LL.M, 2011. – 520 p.
12. Антилл Н. Оценка компаний: анализ и прогнозирование с использованием отчетности по МСФО : пер. с англ. / Ник Антилл, Кеннет Ли. - Москва : Альпина Паблишер, 2013. - 437 с. [Пер. изд. : Company valuation under IFRS interpreting and forecasting accounts using international financial reporting standards / Nick Antill, Kenneth Lee].
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory workshops, recitation, tests (40%)
• final control (60% control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)