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Resource Potential of Information Society
Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.02.E.86
Credits: 6
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: assistant Yatsyshyn Ihor Ihorovych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Use the conceptual apparatus of sociology in educational, research and other areas of professional activity.
Understand the history of sociology, its modern concepts and theories, the main problems.
Apply the provisions of sociological theories and concepts to the study of social change in Ukraine and the world.
Explain the patterns and features of development and functioning of social phenomena in the context of professional tasks.
Communicate fluently in state and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional matters.
Be able to use information and communication technologies in the process of searching, collecting and analyzing sociological information.
Substantiate their own position, make and argue independent conclusions based on research and analysis of professional literature.
Be able to develop a program of sociological research.
Have the skills to collect social information using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Present the results of their own research to professionals and non-specialists.
Know and adhere to the ethical norms of the sociologist's professional activity.
Conceptual scientific and practical knowledge.
Critical understanding of theories, principles, methods and concepts in the field of professional activity and / or training.
In-depth cognitive and practical skills, mastery and innovation at the level required to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or training.
Data collection, interpretation and application.
Communication on professional issues, including in a foreign language, orally and in writing
Ability to take responsibility for making and making decisions in unpredictable work and / or learning contexts.
Forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects.
Ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy.
Understand the history of sociology, its modern concepts and theories, the main problems.
Apply the provisions of sociological theories and concepts to the study of social change in Ukraine and the world.
Explain the patterns and features of development and functioning of social phenomena in the context of professional tasks.
Communicate fluently in state and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional matters.
Be able to use information and communication technologies in the process of searching, collecting and analyzing sociological information.
Substantiate their own position, make and argue independent conclusions based on research and analysis of professional literature.
Be able to develop a program of sociological research.
Have the skills to collect social information using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Present the results of their own research to professionals and non-specialists.
Know and adhere to the ethical norms of the sociologist's professional activity.
Conceptual scientific and practical knowledge.
Critical understanding of theories, principles, methods and concepts in the field of professional activity and / or training.
In-depth cognitive and practical skills, mastery and innovation at the level required to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or training.
Data collection, interpretation and application.
Communication on professional issues, including in a foreign language, orally and in writing
Ability to take responsibility for making and making decisions in unpredictable work and / or learning contexts.
Forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects.
Ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Communication theory and modern media discourse
• Sociology of politics and electoral behavior
• Practice of non-numerical data analysis in sociology
• Communication theory and modern media discourse
• Sociology of politics and electoral behavior
• Practice of non-numerical data analysis in sociology
Summary of the subject:
Information society as a new stage of development of human civilization: essential features and characteristics. Theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of "information society" in the social sciences. Informatization as a factor in the formation of the information society. International legal bases of information society formation. Models and strategies of information society development. The global nature of the processes of informatization of society. Transformation of socio-economic relations in the information society. Human capital and innovative economy. Network economic and social structures in the information society. New mechanisms of political power and management in the information society. Development of the information industry in the humanitarian sphere. Transformation of education, science and culture in the information society. Formation of a new type of personality. Quality of life in the information society. Problems and threats to the development of the information society: digital inequality, cybercrime and cyberterrorism, information wars, manipulation of consciousness.
Recommended Books:
1. Hrytsiak N., Lytvynova L. Derzhavne upravlinnia v umovakh rozvytku informatsiinoho suspilstva : navch. posib. – Kyiv: Vyd-vo K.I.S., 2015. – 108 s. (in ukrainian)
2. Dubov, D., Ozhevan O., Hnatiuk S. Informatsiine suspilstvo v Ukraini: hlobalni vyklyky ta natsionalni mozhlyvosti: analit. dop. – Kyiv: NISD, 2010. – 64 s. (in ukrainian)
3. Informatsiine suspilstvo ta stalyi rozvytok: Materialy naukovo-praktychnoho seminaru u formati mizhnarodnoi video-konferentsii. 17 travnia 2016 roku. – Odesa: ORIDU NADU, 2016. – 112 s. (in ukrainian)
4. Kastels M. Informatsiine suspilstvo ta derzhava dobrobutu: Finska model. – Kyiv: Vakler, 2006. – 232 s. (in ukrainian)
5. Klimushyn P., Spasibov D. Mekhanizmy elektronnoho uriaduvannia v informatsiinomu suspilstvi: monohrafiia. – Kharkiv: Vyd-vo KharRI NADU “Mahistr”, 2017. – 116 s. (in ukrainian)
6. Prudnykova O. Informatsiina kultura: kontseptualni zasady ta svitohliadnyi sens. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2015. – 352 s. (in ukrainian)
7. Nosenko T., Bonch-Bruievych H. Sotsialna informatyka: navchalnyi posibnyk. – Kyiv: Kyiv. un-t im. B. Hrinchenka, 2013. – 136 s. (in ukrainian)
8. Wielaard N., Klous S. We are Big Data: The Future of the Information Society. – Atlantis Press, 2016. – 240 p.
9. Buckland M. Information and Society. – MIT Press, 2017. – 234 p.
2. Dubov, D., Ozhevan O., Hnatiuk S. Informatsiine suspilstvo v Ukraini: hlobalni vyklyky ta natsionalni mozhlyvosti: analit. dop. – Kyiv: NISD, 2010. – 64 s. (in ukrainian)
3. Informatsiine suspilstvo ta stalyi rozvytok: Materialy naukovo-praktychnoho seminaru u formati mizhnarodnoi video-konferentsii. 17 travnia 2016 roku. – Odesa: ORIDU NADU, 2016. – 112 s. (in ukrainian)
4. Kastels M. Informatsiine suspilstvo ta derzhava dobrobutu: Finska model. – Kyiv: Vakler, 2006. – 232 s. (in ukrainian)
5. Klimushyn P., Spasibov D. Mekhanizmy elektronnoho uriaduvannia v informatsiinomu suspilstvi: monohrafiia. – Kharkiv: Vyd-vo KharRI NADU “Mahistr”, 2017. – 116 s. (in ukrainian)
6. Prudnykova O. Informatsiina kultura: kontseptualni zasady ta svitohliadnyi sens. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2015. – 352 s. (in ukrainian)
7. Nosenko T., Bonch-Bruievych H. Sotsialna informatyka: navchalnyi posibnyk. – Kyiv: Kyiv. un-t im. B. Hrinchenka, 2013. – 136 s. (in ukrainian)
8. Wielaard N., Klous S. We are Big Data: The Future of the Information Society. – Atlantis Press, 2016. – 240 p.
9. Buckland M. Information and Society. – MIT Press, 2017. – 234 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral interview, participation in discussions, abstracts (40%)
• final control (control measure, exam): written form (60%)
• final control (control measure, exam): written form (60%)