Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
History of Tourism
Major: Tourism
Code of Subject: 6.242.00.O.14
Credits: 5
Department: Tourism
Lecturer: Associate Professor Pankiv N.Ie.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of the history of tourism and tourism businesses;
• understanding of causal relationships that determine the development or inhibition of tourist business;
• the ability to anticipate trends in the tourism business;
• understanding of the opportunities of new technologies for the development of tourist business.
• understanding of causal relationships that determine the development or inhibition of tourist business;
• the ability to anticipate trends in the tourism business;
• understanding of the opportunities of new technologies for the development of tourist business.
Required prior and related subjects:
Organization of Tourism industry, World Recreational Complexes.
Summary of the subject:
Prerequisites for the emergence of travel and tourism in society. Formation of transport infrastructure. History of legal regulation of free time. History of development of tourist and hotel business. History of restaurant establishments development. History of formation and development of different types of tourism. History of advertising and information support of tourist activity. Travel in the ancient world. Development of travel in the Middle Ages. Grand tours and modern educational trips. Formation of tourism as a mass phenomenon. Formation of tourism in the USSR and Ukraine
Recommended Books:
1. Абрамов В. В. Історія туризму / Абрамов В. В., Тонкошкур М. В. – Харків, 2010.
2. Устименко Л. М. Історія туризму / Устименко Л. М., Афанасьєв І. Ю. – Харків, 2005.
3. Федорченко В. К. Історія туризму в Україні / Федорченко В. К., Дьорова Т. А. – К., 2002.
2. Устименко Л. М. Історія туризму / Устименко Л. М., Афанасьєв І. Ю. – Харків, 2005.
3. Федорченко В. К. Історія туризму в Україні / Федорченко В. К., Дьорова Т. А. – К., 2002.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• The current control (40%) are workshops;
• The final control (60%) is a exam
• The final control (60%) is a exam