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Logistics and Supply Chain Management of European Experience
Major: Tourism
Code of Subject: 6.242.00.M.48
Credits: 3
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Professor Yevhen Krykavskyi. PhD, associate professor, Nataliya Chornopyska PhD, associate professor, Olena Pokhylchenko, PhD, associate professor, Nataliya Hayvanovych, PhD, senior lecturer, Oksana Dovhun, PhD, associate professor, Sofia Leonova.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Following the completion of the Credit the student must:
- know: experience of European countries in applying logistics and role of logistics in reforming the economy of Ukraine; scientific and practical concepts and technologies of European companies; principles of supply chains functioning in the context of European integration; the best examples of European logistics practice; prospects for the development of logistics and supply chains in Europe and in the world.
- be able to: identify the impact of logistics on the process of reforming the economy of Ukraine; identify the role of supply chain in the European countries from a strategic and operating point of view; apply the scientific and practical concepts and technologies of European companies when considerating the practical situational tasks (cases) on the course topics and searching for ways to solve problems in a simulated real situation in logistics activities of domestic and European companies.
- know: experience of European countries in applying logistics and role of logistics in reforming the economy of Ukraine; scientific and practical concepts and technologies of European companies; principles of supply chains functioning in the context of European integration; the best examples of European logistics practice; prospects for the development of logistics and supply chains in Europe and in the world.
- be able to: identify the impact of logistics on the process of reforming the economy of Ukraine; identify the role of supply chain in the European countries from a strategic and operating point of view; apply the scientific and practical concepts and technologies of European companies when considerating the practical situational tasks (cases) on the course topics and searching for ways to solve problems in a simulated real situation in logistics activities of domestic and European companies.
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Logistics is a market economy instrument. Experience of European countries in the application of logistics. Fundamental principles of logistics. Supply chain. Principles of supply chains functioning in the context of European integration. Integration of logistics processes in supply chains: experience of logistics development in EU countries. Logistics in the strategic supply chains development: features of logistics development in EU countries. Role of logistics in the strategic supply chains development. Achieving competitive advantages by supply chains: European experience. Prospects of logistics and supply chains development in Europe and in the world.
Recommended Books:
Крикавський Є. Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: Підручник / Є. Крикавський, О. Похильченко, М. Фертч. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. – 848 с.
Крикавський Є. Логістичні системи: Підручник / Є.В. Крикавський, Н.В. Чорнописька - Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2019. – 288 с.
Bozarth C.B., Handfield R.B., Wprowadzenie do zarzadzania operacjami i lancuchem dostaw. Helion, Gliwice 2007.
Hugos M. Zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Helion, Gliwice 2011.
Szymonik A., Logistyka i zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Difin, Warszawa, czasc 1, 2010.
Szymonik A., Logistyka i zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Difin, Warszawa, czasc 2, 2011.
Крикавський Є. Логістичні системи: Підручник / Є.В. Крикавський, Н.В. Чорнописька - Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2019. – 288 с.
Bozarth C.B., Handfield R.B., Wprowadzenie do zarzadzania operacjami i lancuchem dostaw. Helion, Gliwice 2007.
Hugos M. Zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Helion, Gliwice 2011.
Szymonik A., Logistyka i zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Difin, Warszawa, czasc 1, 2010.
Szymonik A., Logistyka i zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Difin, Warszawa, czasc 2, 2011.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (30%, practical tasks and cases, passing interactive tests, oral examination)
• final control (70%, examination)
• final control (70%, examination)