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The Use of IT for the Construction’s Projects and Objects, its Costs Determination

Major: Tourism
Code of Subject: 6.242.00.M.36
Credits: 3
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Ph.D assistant professor Igor Kret
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• apply theoretical and methodological bases of construction objects assessment, projects and works;
• have organizational and legal aspects of a value determination of construction objects, projects and works;
• apply methods of different approaches of expert assessment of property and real property;
• solve specific goals connected with the components definition of the expert assessment of real property objects;
• have skills in a value assessment of construction objects, projects and works with using IT.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Economics of enterprise.
• Business planning.
Summary of the subject:
Necessity and principles of the value property assessment and property complexes, factors that influence the value of construction objects. General characteristics of the process of assessing the value of construction objects. Assessment of the value of construction objects by the income approach. Assessment of the value of construction objects by a comparative approach. Assessment of the value of construction objects by cost approach. Assessment of the value of machinery and equipment, taking into account their wear. Assessment of the value of securities and intangible assets.
Recommended Books:
1. T. Kalinescu, Y. Romanovsky, O. Kirilov (2012) Property assessment: training manual. Kyiv: Educational Literature Center, pp. 312.
2. V. Kucherenko, M. Zayets, O. Zakharchenko, N. Smentina, V. Ulibina (2013) Assessment and management of real property: training manual. Odessa: Publishing company "Leadruk" Ltd., pp. 272.
3. National standard of Ukraine (2013) Rules of determining the cost of construction. Kyiv: MinRegion of Ukraine, pp 97. (including changes №1 and №2).
Assessment methods and criteria:
lectures, practical and laboratory classes, self-study
• assessment of knowledge in practical classes (discussion and implementation of practical tasks, participation in business games); assessment of the execution and protection of settlement (control) works (calculations rightness, conclusions and recommendations correctness, rightness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the protection of work.
• a control work according to individual task (30%), practical classes (20%) and final control (credit): written form (50%).