22 грудня 2017, 12:39

Вийшло нове число наукового журналу «Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Matherials Science», Volume 3, Number 1, 2017.
- Зміст
- Anatoliy Bezpalov, Vladyslav Shenbor, Vitaliy Korendiy, Volodymyr Brusentsov Optimization of Structure of Sorting Vibratory Separators
- Andriy Kuzyshyn, Andriy Batig Investigation of Influence of the Train Motion Speed on the Process of the Rolling Stock Derailment in the Presence of Railway Track Oblique
- Andriy Pogrebnyak, Volodymyr Pogrebnyak Hydrocutting of Frozen Food Products
- Bohdan Diveyev Dynamic Properties Predictions for Laminated Plates by High Order Theories
- Ihor Kuzio, Oleksandr Zhytenko, Yurii Zalutskyi Modelling of the Articulated Vehicle Dynamics Taking into Account the Elastically Fastened Freight
- Petro Koruniak, Iryna Nishchenko, Volodymyr Borovets Substantiation of the Process of Vertical Transportation of Piece Loads
- Roman Kachmar, Juriy Vasyuhnyk Operational Conditions of Vehicles Motion and Formation of Urban Driving Cycle in the City of Lviv
- Vadym Zhukovskiy, Olexsandr Gokhman, Marianna Kondrya Study of Surface Microstrains by Electron Speckle-Interferometry Methods
- Volodymyr Biloborodchenko Applied Model of Assessment of Intensity of the Stressed Deformed State of Pipelines by Evaluation of Magnetic Anisotropy of Coercive Forces. Part 1
- Volodymyr Malashchenko, Oleh Strilets, Volodymyr Strilets Justification of Efficiency of Elliptical Gear Train in Device for Speed Changes Management
- Yaroslav Andrusyk Propagation of Plane Elastic-Tough-Plastic Waves in the Material with Yield Delay
- Zoya Duriagina, Andriy Trostyanchyn, Ihor Lemishka, Andriy Skrebtsov, Oleksandr Ovchinnikov The Influence of Chemical-Thermal Treatment on Granulometric Characteristics of Titanium Sponge Powder
