6 березня 2019, 12:04

Вийшло чергове число наукового журналу «Chemistry & Chemical Technology», Volume 13, Number 1, 2019.
- Solubility of Ibuprofen in Conventional Solvents and Supercritical CO2: Evaluation of Ideal and Non-Ideal Models
Hamidreza Bagheri, Sattar Ghader, Negin Hatami - Computational Molecular Docking, Voltammetric and Spectroscopic DNA Interaction Studies of 9N-(Ferrocenylmethyl)adenine
Elhafnaoui Lanez1, 2, Lazhar Bechki2, Touhami Lanez1 - An Efficient Solvent Free Microwave Assisted MgFe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles Catalyzed Green Protocol Towards Michael Addition
Shobha Bansal, Prabal Pratap Singh - Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Zirconium(IV) with Sulphur, Nitrogen and Oxygen Donor Ligands
Abhishek Srivastava1, Neetu Srivastava2, Umesh NathTripathi2, Afshan Siddiqui2 - The Sulfonation of 3,5,7,3’,4’-Pentahydroxyflavone and Non-Linear-Optical Activity of its Sulfonic Derivatives
Dmytro Mishurov - Low Temperature Acrolein to Acrylic Acid Oxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide on Se-Organic Catalysts
Roman Nebesnyi1, Volodymyr Ivasiv1, Zoryan Pikh1, Tetiana Kharandiuk1, Iryna Shpyrka1, Taras Voronchak2, Anastasia-Bohdana Shatan3 - The Role of Oxides in Oxidation of Allyl Alcohol and its Esters
Eugeniy Fedevych1, Oleh Datsko2, Oleh Fedevych3 - Synthesis Mechanism and Properties of Epoxy Resins Modified with Adipic Acid
Michael Bratychak1, Bogdana Bashta2, Olena Astakhova1, Olena Shyshchak1, Olha Zubal1 - The Role of Polyvinylpyrrolidone in the Formation of Nanocomposites Based on a Compatible Polycaproamide and Polypropylene
Volodymyr Krasinskyi1, Oleh Suberlyak1, Victoria Zemke1, Yuri Klym1, Ivan Gaidos2 - Interpenetrating Network on the Basis of Methylcyclotetrasiloxane Matrix
Omari Mukbaniani1, 2, Jimsher Aneli2, Marta Plonska-Brzezinska3, Eliza Markarashvili1, 2, Tamar Tatrishvili1, 2 - Enzymatic Destruction of Film Materials on the Basis of Chitosan in the Presence of Cephalosporin Series Antibiotics
Valentina Chernova, Irina Tuktarova, Angela Shurshina, Mariya Elinson, Elena Kulish - Fire-Resisting Composites Based on Polymer Matrix
Valentin Ushkov1, Oleg Figovsky2, Vladimir Smirnov1, Vyacheslav Seleznev1 - Physical Sorption of Molecular Hydrogen by Microporous Organic Polymers
Ivan Saldan, Yuliia Stetsiv, Viktoriia Makogon, Yaroslav Kovalyshyn, Mykhaylo Yatsyshyn, Oleksandr Reshetnyak - Statics and Kinetics of Albumin Adsorption by Natural Zeolite
Anna Hyvlud, Vira Sabadash, Jaroslaw Gumnitsky, Nazar Ripak - Resource Potential for Biogas Production in Ukraine
Lesia Pavliukh1, Sergii Boichenko1, Valeriya Onopa1, Oksana Tykhenko1, Petro Topilnytskyy2, Viktoria Romanchuk2, Igor Samsin3 - Modification of the Impregnating Pitch by Phenolic Fraction of Coal Tar
Mariia Starovoit - Obtaining of Coumarone-Indene Resins Based on Light Fraction of Coal Tar. 4. Bitumen-Polymer Blends with Participation of Coumarone-Indene Resins with Epoxy Groups
Olena Astakhova1, Mariia Shved1, Olha Zubal1, Olena Shyshchak1, Yuriy Prysiazhnyi1, Piotr Bruzdziak2, Michael Bratychak1 - Peculiarities of Producing an Electrolytic Iron Powder from Rolling Manufacture Waste
Sofiya Pinchuk, Alexander Vnukov, Roman Cheranev - Professor Leonid Kvitkovskyi ‒ 90th Anniversary
Olena Astakhova, Olena Shyshchak