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Technology of building constructions, materials and products
Technology of building constructions, materials and products
• creation of mathematical models for theoretical research and schemes for experimental research;
• possession of methodology of carrying out of laboratory work from professional courses and special courses, development of methodological support;
• the ability to evaluate the perspectives of development of the production unit to calculate its technological capacities and implement energy-saving technologies;
• ability to organize and carry out quality control of production processes and finished products, input, operating and on aggregate quality control; • ability to evaluate and implement in production of advanced technological developments;
• ability to put right the problem of research carry out theoretical and experimental research, analysis of results and their implementation;
• ability to carry out laboratory and practical training from professional courses, teaching courses, research activities.
Кваліфікація: Master in technology of building constructions, materials and products
Рік вступу: 2016
Тривалість програми: 1,5 year
Кількість кредитів: 90 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу: None
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Набуті компетентності: Students of specialty " Technologies of building structures, products and materials " of Master education and qualification level get knowledge which is necessary for production and technical, organizational and management, design, research and educational activity. They have knowledge in the field of building of technological lines and complexes; organization of production of building structures, products and materials; development of technical tasks for design; development of reporting technical documentation; designing of enterprises of building industry; technology of building products, structures and materials production in the direction of increase of their technical and economic efficiency; resource and energy saving. In the educational process students learn software systems such as Excel, AutoCAD, ArhiCAD, Lira; use computer technology in research.
In terms of design and production activities guided engineering documentation and in accordance with existing state building codes and standards:
• Develop process maps in the regulations for the manufacture of building products and structures; operating graphics and sequence diagram of mechanisms operating; modes of heat curing of building materials, products and structures; calculation of production facilities, standards of time and material expenses, their analysis;
• implement input, output and operational quality control of materials, semi-finished and finished products; develop proposals to improve products quality and level of compliance with their regulatory and other requirements;
• develop measures to reduce consumption of raw materials and other resources; develop the composition of raw mixture using local and technogenic raw materials, industrial waste; perform comparative technological and economic analysis of usage measures for resource conservation;
• develop measures to reduce the technological fuel consumption and the use of fuel containing waste; develop energy-saving modes of manufacturing of building products;
• perform an analysis of the use of energy saving measures;
• based on the analysis of new technologies of building structures production, determination of perspective energy-saving technological solutions according to the real exploitation conditions of equipment in the production of building structures, products and materials;
• use methods of technological equipment calculation in various operating modes, calculation of individual mechanical operations and elements of technology for carrying out operational control over the operation of equipment and modes of work, analysis of the mechanisms work and their relationship;
• perform of functional analysis of quality of technological operations, control of input materials and product certification;
• fulfillment of general management of design work and documentation, coordination of work of structural units for the implementation of production tasks, scheduling work and control of work, conduct of production meetings.• Develop process maps in the regulations for the manufacture of building products and structures; operating graphics and sequence diagram of mechanisms operating; modes of heat curing of building materials, products and structures; calculation of production facilities, standards of time and material expenses, their analysis;
• implement input, output and operational quality control of materials, semi-finished and finished products; develop proposals to improve products quality and level of compliance with their regulatory and other requirements;
• develop measures to reduce consumption of raw materials and other resources; develop the composition of raw mixture using local and technogenic raw materials, industrial waste; perform comparative technological and economic analysis of usage measures for resource conservation;
• develop measures to reduce the technological fuel consumption and the use of fuel containing waste; develop energy-saving modes of manufacturing of building products;
• perform an analysis of the use of energy saving measures;
• based on the analysis of new technologies of building structures production, determination of perspective energy-saving technological solutions according to the real exploitation conditions of equipment in the production of building structures, products and materials;
• use methods of technological equipment calculation in various operating modes, calculation of individual mechanical operations and elements of technology for carrying out operational control over the operation of equipment and modes of work, analysis of the mechanisms work and their relationship;
• perform of functional analysis of quality of technological operations, control of input materials and product certification;
• creation of mathematical models for theoretical research and schemes for experimental research;
• possession of methodology of carrying out of laboratory work from professional courses and special courses, development of methodological support;
• the ability to evaluate the perspectives of development of the production unit to calculate its technological capacities and implement energy-saving technologies;
• ability to organize and carry out quality control of production processes and finished products, input, operating and on aggregate quality control; • ability to evaluate and implement in production of advanced technological developments;
• ability to put right the problem of research carry out theoretical and experimental research, analysis of results and their implementation;
• ability to carry out laboratory and practical training from professional courses, teaching courses, research activities.
Форма навчання: part
Академічна мобільність: None, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: Dean of complete higher education, DSc, Professor Khrystyna Sobol, tel. +380322582451, e-mail: khrystynasobol@ukr.net; dyrekcia-ibid-223@ukr.net
Професійні профілі випускників: Employment in the field of industry of building structures, products and materials.
Доступ до подальшого навчання: Education at the third level education and research, training programs
Інші особливості програми: The program is implemented in Ukrainian.
Інститут: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems