Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

lnternational Economic Relations lnternational Economic Relations
Кваліфікація: Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations by Specialty of International Economic Relations
Рік вступу: 2020
Тривалість програми: 4 years, in which 2 years – education part
Кількість кредитів: 240 ECTS credits, in which 60 ECTS credits – education part
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: Third (Doctoral) level, 9-th level of NQF, EHEA third Cycle
Галузь знань: International relations
Особливі умови вступу:
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
The educational and scientific program is based on the fundamental postulates of international economic relations and the results of modern scientific research in the field of innovative development of the theory and practice of international economics. Aimed at the development of theoretical-methodological and methodological-applied base of international economic relations with an emphasis on the latest trends in the world economy, which deepens the professional scientific worldview and provides a basis for research and further professional and scientific activities.
Набуті компетентності:
1. To generalize, think critically and analyze the phenomena and problems studied, to show flexibility in decision-making on the basis of logical arguments and verified facts in the conditions of limited time and resources on the basis of general scientific methodology.
2. Know the system of higher education in Ukraine, the specifics of professional and pedagogical activities of higher education teachers; use the legislative and regulatory support of higher education, modern means and technologies of organization and implementation of the educational process, various aspects of educational work with students, innovative teaching methods. Critically evaluate their own scientific developments in the implementation of the educational process.
3. Analyze and apply conceptual models, scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scientists, fundamental postulates and theories, paradigms of global economic development, the latest approaches to the functioning and development of the world economy and international economic relations.
4. Have a scientific holistic view of the economic unity of the world, the regulatory mechanisms of international economic relations at the national, regional and international levels in the context of modern processes of convergence and divergence.
5. Have analytical thinking and methods of systematization of information processing of large data sets, evaluation and forecasting of economic and social phenomena.
1. Conduct interdisciplinary research on economic processes, with the appropriate level of general scientific competencies that contribute to the formation of a holistic scientific approach, professional ethics and general cultural outlook.
2. Demonstrate a systematic scientific worldview, the ability to think creatively, formulate conclusions and develop recommendations, offer extraordinary approaches using the latest technology in solving problems.
3. To identify scientific and practical problems, to prepare scientific texts and reports, to carry out public approbation of research results in both state and foreign languages, to demonstrate oral and written communication.
4. Apply information technology, modern methods of modeling and forecasting using the latest application packages and software products for scientific substantiation and confirmation / refutation of hypotheses.
5. Demonstrate leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, ability to work in a team of researchers, communicate effectively at the professional and social levels, adhering to the principles of scientific ethics.
6. Carry out public approbation of research results, promote their dissemination in scientific and practical spheres in both Ukrainian and foreign languages.
1. Ability to communicate in business scientific and professional language, to apply different styles of speech, methods and techniques of communication, to demonstrate a wide scientific and professional vocabulary.
2. Ability to use modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications.
Форма навчання: full
Академічна мобільність: within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program on the basis of bilateral agreements between the Lviv Polytechnic National University and the educational institutions of the partner countries.
Практика/стажування: Pedagogical Workshop.
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: D.Sc. in Economics, Prof. Pyroh Olha
Професійні профілі випускників:
Доступ до подальшого навчання: Scientific Program of the fourth (scientific) level of higher education "Doctor of Sciences"
Інші особливості програми: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and English.
Інститут: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies