Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Development of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation
Спеціальність: lnternational Economic Relations
Код дисципліни: 8.292.00.M.29
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Management and International Business
Лектор: Doctor of Economics, Professor Heorhiadi Nelli
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of modern conceptual and methodological and methodological foundations in international economic relations;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of international economic relations;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of theoretical and applied foundations of a wide range of varieties and spheres of international economic relations;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the classical and modern methodological and methodological base of studies of socio-economic phenomena and processes in various spheres of international economic relations;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activity, their own scientific outlook and moral and cultural values;
- integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different cross-domain spheres in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research;
- to choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in carrying out theoretical and empirical studies in the field of international economic relations;
- to carry out economic-mathematical forecasting, modeling and socio-economic diagnostics of various processes and objects in the sphere of international economic relations.
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of international economic relations;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of theoretical and applied foundations of a wide range of varieties and spheres of international economic relations;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the classical and modern methodological and methodological base of studies of socio-economic phenomena and processes in various spheres of international economic relations;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activity, their own scientific outlook and moral and cultural values;
- integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different cross-domain spheres in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research;
- to choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in carrying out theoretical and empirical studies in the field of international economic relations;
- to carry out economic-mathematical forecasting, modeling and socio-economic diagnostics of various processes and objects in the sphere of international economic relations.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Prior subjects:
Global problems and challenges of economic development
Related subjects:
Features of development of the European economy;
International economic and trade policy
Global problems and challenges of economic development
Related subjects:
Features of development of the European economy;
International economic and trade policy
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The essence and structure of international scientific and technical cooperation (ISTC). Prerequisites for the formation of the ISTC. Patterns of development of ISTC. Concept and system of principles of development of ISTC. International organizations in the field of regulation of ISTC. International legal acts governing ISTC. Forms of international scientific and technical cooperation. State regulation of Ukraine's participation in the ISTC. International scientific and technological programs with the participation of Ukraine. Prospects for attracting Ukraine's scientific and technical potential to the ISTC. Licensing and know-how. Protection of intellectual property. Models of diffusion of innovations and scientific and technical information. Priority directions of ISTC development.
Рекомендована література:
1. Antonovych M. Mizhnarodne pravo : navch. posib. / M. Antonovych. – K. : Yurinkom Inter, 2011. – 384 s.
2. Bratko I. V. Pravove rehuliuvannia mizhnarodnoi tekhnichnoi dopomohy: stan, tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku : monohrafiia / I. V. Bratko, A. I. Dmytriieva. – O. : Feniks, 2011. – 248 s.
3. Shutak I. D. Pravove rehuliuvannia mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn : navch. posib. / I. D. Shutak. – K. : Alerta, 2012. – 412 s.
4. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny : pidruchnyk / za red. A. P. Holikova, O. A. Dovhal. – Kh. : KhNU imeni V. N. Karazina, 2015. – 464 s.
5. Ievrointehratsiinyi vybir Ukrainy ta problemy makroekonomiky : XX Mizhnarod. nauk.-prakt. konf. studentiv i molodykh vchenykh : tezy dop. : 23 berez. 2016 r., [Dnipropetrovsk] / Dnipropetr. un-t im. A. Nobelia, Kaf. mizhnarod. ekonomiky ta ekon. teorii. — Dnipropetrovsk : Un-t im. A. Nobelia, 2016. — 135 s.
6. Suchasni mizhnarodni systemy ta hlobalnyi rozvytok (sotsialno-politychni, sotsialno-ekonomichni, sotsialno-antropolohichni vymiry) / Sosnin O. V., Voronkova V. H., Postol O. Ye. — Kyiv : Tsentr navch. l-ry, 2015. — 554 s.
7. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / [Ie. I. Voinova ta in.] ; za red. S. O. Yakubovskoho, Yu. O. Nikolaieva ; M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Odes. nats. un-t im. I. I. Mechnykova. — Odesa : ONU, 2015.
8. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. [dlia stud. ekon. spets. ahrar. vyshch. navch. zakl. vsikh rivniv akredytatsii] / O. Ye. Novikov, I. V. Honcharenko ; [za zah. red. I. V. Honcharenko]. — Mykolaiv : MNAU, 2013.
9. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / [S. O. Yakubovskyi ta in. ; za red. S. O. Yakubovskoho, Yu. O. Nikolaieva] ; M-vo osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrainy, Odes. nats. un-t im. I. I. Mechnykova, In-t matematyky, ekonomiky ta mekhaniky. — O. : Odes. nats. un-t, 2012. — 260 s.
10. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / V. V. Kozyk, L. A. Pankova, N. B. Danylenko. — 8-e vyd., pererobl. i dopov. — K. : Znannia, 2011. — 469 s.
2. Bratko I. V. Pravove rehuliuvannia mizhnarodnoi tekhnichnoi dopomohy: stan, tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku : monohrafiia / I. V. Bratko, A. I. Dmytriieva. – O. : Feniks, 2011. – 248 s.
3. Shutak I. D. Pravove rehuliuvannia mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn : navch. posib. / I. D. Shutak. – K. : Alerta, 2012. – 412 s.
4. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny : pidruchnyk / za red. A. P. Holikova, O. A. Dovhal. – Kh. : KhNU imeni V. N. Karazina, 2015. – 464 s.
5. Ievrointehratsiinyi vybir Ukrainy ta problemy makroekonomiky : XX Mizhnarod. nauk.-prakt. konf. studentiv i molodykh vchenykh : tezy dop. : 23 berez. 2016 r., [Dnipropetrovsk] / Dnipropetr. un-t im. A. Nobelia, Kaf. mizhnarod. ekonomiky ta ekon. teorii. — Dnipropetrovsk : Un-t im. A. Nobelia, 2016. — 135 s.
6. Suchasni mizhnarodni systemy ta hlobalnyi rozvytok (sotsialno-politychni, sotsialno-ekonomichni, sotsialno-antropolohichni vymiry) / Sosnin O. V., Voronkova V. H., Postol O. Ye. — Kyiv : Tsentr navch. l-ry, 2015. — 554 s.
7. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / [Ie. I. Voinova ta in.] ; za red. S. O. Yakubovskoho, Yu. O. Nikolaieva ; M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Odes. nats. un-t im. I. I. Mechnykova. — Odesa : ONU, 2015.
8. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. [dlia stud. ekon. spets. ahrar. vyshch. navch. zakl. vsikh rivniv akredytatsii] / O. Ye. Novikov, I. V. Honcharenko ; [za zah. red. I. V. Honcharenko]. — Mykolaiv : MNAU, 2013.
9. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / [S. O. Yakubovskyi ta in. ; za red. S. O. Yakubovskoho, Yu. O. Nikolaieva] ; M-vo osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrainy, Odes. nats. un-t im. I. I. Mechnykova, In-t matematyky, ekonomiky ta mekhaniky. — O. : Odes. nats. un-t, 2012. — 260 s.
10. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny: navch. posib. / V. V. Kozyk, L. A. Pankova, N. B. Danylenko. — 8-e vyd., pererobl. i dopov. — K. : Znannia, 2011. — 469 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (30%), of which: 20% - performing situational tasks, solving tasks, working in a virtual learning environment, oral interviews; 10% - preparation and defense of the abstract.
Final control (70%), of which: testing - written tasks (50%); oral response (20%).
Final control (70%), of which: testing - written tasks (50%); oral response (20%).