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Architecture and Town Planning Architecture and Town Planning
Кваліфікація: Master in Architecture of Buildings and Constructions
Рік вступу: 2019
Тривалість програми: 1 year 9 months
Кількість кредитів: 120 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу:
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми: Bachelor's diploma
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Набуті компетентності:
- methods of academic researches in the sphere of architecture and urban development;
- basic theory, design standards, methods of urban design, architectural design of new and reconstruction or restoration of historical and existing residential and public buildings, as well as architectural space design;
- scientific approaches to solving architectural and urban design tasks;
- functional and typological, architectural and artistic bases of design of buildings and their complexes;
- basic techniques of functional and planning, architectural and artistic arrangement of buildings and their complexes, taking into account various needs of the population, weather conditions and urban design requirements, and requirements of the monument protection laws;
- interrelation of the building, design, construction, engineering tasks and performance properties of buildings;
- technology of organization of engineering in architecture and urban design, design stage, architect functions as an organizer of the project process;
- technology of design tasks development; the content and sources of pre-project information, methods of data collection and analysis;
- design and construction design documents system for construction, and the main requirements to the system.
- process a scientific problem and present the results in academic papers;
- apply knowledge of natural sciences in solving architectural and urban design problems;
- define the object, the subject and the purpose of the study followed by goal setting in order to disclose the purpose;
- choose methods of pre-project information collecting and processing in architecture, interpret the background information for architectural concepts, develop a design program;
- use the basic techniques of functional and design arrangement of buildings and their elements in architectural design taking into account social, weather, environmental, regulatory, technological and other requirements;
- suggest a project idea and gradually develop it while developing the architectural design, provide architectural and compositional and actual social and environmental problems of creating a healthy, affordable and comfortable environment in the project;
- apply methods, techniques and technologies of architectural and urban design, including compositional simulation and computer design.
- synthesize knowledge from different spheres and apply them in practice while solving architectural and urban development challenges;
- ability to analyze topical problems of modern architecture and urban design, assess the actual possibilities to solve them by architectural and urban design, and architectural space design;
- ability to effectively communicate and interact with various specialists of architectural and construction industry;
- ability to form a stable outlook and defend the author's design considerations;
- ability to feel professional responsibility for the applied architectural concepts;
- ability to master new knowledge and self-improvement.
Форма навчання: full
Академічна мобільність:
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа:
Професійні профілі випускників:
Доступ до подальшого навчання:
Інші особливості програми:
Інститут: Institute of Architecture and Design