Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Geodetic Methods in Planetary Geodynamic Processes Research

Спеціальність: Earth Sciences
Код дисципліни: 8.103.00.O.12
Кількість кредитів: 4
Кафедра: Engineering Geodesy
Лектор: Ph.D., associate professor Olha Smirnova
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
1. Know the theory of evolution of the planet Earth, the structure of the tectonosphere and the theory of plate tectonics;.
2. Know the basic methods of monitoring the stress-strain state of the Earth's surface;
3. To know the basic principles of processing the results of geodetic monitoring of the earth's surface;
4. Be able to apply mathematical models to predict the development of deformation processes by the results of geodetic measurements.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Modern GNSS information resources
• Analytical and numerical research methods

Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The course studies basic information about the dynamics of geospheres and the Earth as a whole. Surveying methods in the study of planetary geodynamic phenomena. Methods for studying the physical conditions of tectonic movements, deformations of masses, rocks and the Earth's surface, as well as external forces acting on the dynamics of the planet. Methods and technical means of research of geodynamic processes. Geodetic researches in the study of landslide processes, modern movements of the earth's surface and the stress - strain state of the Earth 's crust. Approaches to collecting and processing information on the results of geodetic measurements to solve the problems of forecasting and calculating the stress-strain state of the crust.
Рекомендована література:
1. Maksymchuk V.Yu. etc. Researches on the Modern Geodynamics of the Ukrainian Carpathians [Text]: monograph / edited by VI Starostenko / Kiev: "Naukova Dumka" - 2005, - 256 p.
2. Razumova MA, Khotaintsev VM Fundamentals of vector and tensor analysis. Tutorial. National University. Taras Shevchenko. - Kyiv. 2011, 216s.
3.Tretyak K.R. Contemporary geodynamics and geophysical fields of the Carpathians and adjacent territories [Text]: monograph / edited by prof. KRTretyak, prof. Maximchuk, Corr. NAS of Ukraine RI Kutas - Lviv: published. Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. - 418с.
4. Khain V.E., Lomize M.G. Geotectonics with the basics of geodynamics. 2nd ed. and supplement [Text]: textbook / V.E.Hain, M.G. Lomise - Moscow: ed. «Book House University», 2005. - 559 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• Tasks at practical classes (20%);
• Individual research assignment (10%);
• Preparation and presentation of individual work (10%)
• Final control (control measure, exam): written-oral form (60%)