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Actual Problems of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences

Спеціальність: Social work
Код дисципліни: 8.231.00.O.3
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Philosophy
Лектор: doctor of philosophy science, Professor Petrushenko, V. L.
Семестр: 1 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Tasks of study course: to promote students' understanding of the value of modern humanistic theories for the improving of the science efficiency; to orient the students in the urgent problems of modern methodology in socio-humanitarian cognition.
As a result of studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
to know: the place of social and humanitarian knowledge in modern science, the basic modern conceptions and theories of social and humanitarian fields; the ideas of prominent representatives of world and Ukrainian humanitarian studies;
to be able to: compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of certain concepts and theories of social and humanitarian directions; apply the apparatus of these teachings and theories for understanding of the phenomena of real life; identify the impact of these teachings and concepts over modern ideology, social programs, and the life practice.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
- Prerequest: history of world and Ukrainian culture.
- Corequest: sociology.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Socio-humanitarian knowledge in modern science. Substantive definiteness of Humanities and social sciences. Essence and paradigmatic features of the socio-humanitarian cognition. Sciences that determine the formation and functioning of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Society as an object of social cognition and basic concepts that interpret its essence. The anthropocentrism of contemporary humanistic, its peculiarities in the sphere of methodology. Socio-psychological component of social and humanitarian knowledge. Cultural studies in the content of socio-humanitarian cognition. Cognitive and epistemological studies in contemporary socio-humanitarian knowledge. Axiological aspects of the modern socio-humanitarian researches.
Рекомендована література:
1.Berger P., Lukmann T. The Social constructing of reality. – M., 1995.
2.Gadamer H.-G. Truth and method. – M., 1989.
3.Global problems and universal values. – M., 1990.
4.Erina A. M., Zahodjai V. B., Erin, D. L. Methodology of scientific research. – K., 2004.
5.Kemerov V.E. Introduction in social philosophy. – M., 2001.
6.Crymsky S.B Requests philosophical meanings. – K., 2003.
7.Lukianets, V. S., Kravchenko A. M., Ozadowska L. V., etc. The world-view implications of science. – K., 2004.
8Lukmann N. Society as a social system. – M., 2004.
9.Petrushenko, V. L., The Philosophy of knowledge: ontology, epistemology, axiology. – Lviv, 2005.
10.Schutz A. World, glowing with meaning. - M., 2004.
.Lukmann N. Society as a social system. – M., 2004.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
- Current control (40%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, colloquium.
- Final control (60%): module work, examination.