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Pedagogical Workshops

Спеціальність: Social work
Код дисципліни: 8.231.00.O.7
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Sociology and Social Work
Лектор: D.Sc. in Education, Associate Professor Klos Liliia
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
knowledge of facts, terminology, structures, theories, principles, laws, patterns, trends in the field of science, necessary for the scientific substantiation of processes within the specialty;
- ability to present knowledge of the specialty by transforming educational material and interpreting the main categories, laws, theories, principles for the student audience;
- to show the ability to use educational material in specific conditions (practical classes), based on the mastered theoretical provisions;
- the ability to break the training material into parts in such a way as to clearly outline its structure (independent work under the supervision of the supervisor);
- apply their skills to combine elements to form the integrity of educational material at the stage of independent training; performance of creative activity;
- demonstrate the ability to assess the value of a material (elements of research, solving situational problems, etc.), based on clearly defined criteria;
- conducting practical classes (in the presence of a supervisor), aimed at developing skills of cognitive and analytical content, as well as design, constructive, communicative, organizational;
- formation of professional competence and personal qualities of the future teacher in accordance with the requirements of modern development of the higher education system in Ukraine;
- mastering the skills of conducting practical classes;
- mastering modern technologies, active and interactive teaching methods;
- formation of pedagogical skills and individual style of teacher activity.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Previous academic disciplines:
Philosophy and methodology of science
Professional pedagogy

Related and the following disciplines:
Management of scientific projects
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The purpose of studying the discipline is to form in young scientists the readiness of masters to teach in higher education. Pedagogical practicum is a kind of practical activity on realization of educational activity in higher school, in particular teaching of special disciplines (professionally oriented and professional orientation), organization of educational activity of students, scientific and methodical work on discipline; acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities of practical teaching activity.
Рекомендована література:
1. Aleksyuk AM Pedagogy of high school. History. Problems / A.M. Aleksyuk. - К .: Либідь, 1998.- 248с
2. Logvinenko T. Training of social workers in the universities of the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden: monograph / Tatiana Logvinenko / ed. N.G. Nothing. - Drohobych: Publishing Department of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, 2015. - 500 p.
3. Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching subjects of the humanities in vocational schools / Ed. Vasyanovich GP - Lviv: Ukrainian Technologies. - 2013. - 220 p.
4. • Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training [Electronic resource] // Web-site / IASSW. - [electron. resource]. - Access mode: http: // cdn. ifsw. org / assets / ifsw_65044-3.pdf
5. Klos L. (2017). Professional training of future social workers for health care in US universities: theory and practice: a monograph (edited by Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. Laktionova GM). Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
6. • Klos L., Matviyiv R. Methodical instructions for pedagogical practice by students of the master's program of the specialty "social work" - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 28 p.
7. Zhigir VI Professional pedagogy: Textbook / V.I. Жигірь, О.А. Чернега; for order. M.V. Vachevsky. - К .: Кондор, 2012. - 336 с
8. Methodical instructions for studying the courses of the master's program: "Methodology and methods of scientific research", "Public relations in the social sphere", "Methods of teaching social work", for students of the basic direction "Sociology" specialty "Social work". Issue I / Incl. NM Haiduk, LD Klimanska, LE Klos. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2007. - 48 p.
9. Ничкало Н.Г. Transformation of vocational education of Ukraine: monograph / N.G. Nothing. - К.: Пед. opinion, 2008. - 200 p.
10. Ortynsky VL Higher school pedagogy: textbook. way. for university students / VL Ortynsky. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2009. - 472 p.
11. Pedagogy of high school. Навч.пос. / Ed. Z. Courland. - К.: Знання, 2005. - 399с.
12. Rashkevich Yu.M. Bologna process and a new paradigm of higher education: a monograph / Yu.M. рашкевич. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014. - 168p.
13. Shunevych B. Theoretical foundations of distance learning. — Lviv Polytechnic University, 2006. - 244 p.
14. Klos LE Innovative educational technologies in the preparation of specialists in social work to provide social and medical services / LE Klos // Information and telecommunication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, prospects; Coll. scientific works. Part 2. / [for ed. MM Kozyar and NG Nichkalo]. - Lviv: LSU BJD, 2009. - P. 297–301
15. Volkova NP Pedagogy. - К.: Академія, 2002. - 575 с.
16. Galuzinsky V., Yevtukh J. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in Ukraine. - K., 1999.
17. Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics / Translated from Polish. OV Dolzhenko. - М .: Высш.шк., 1986. - 368 с.
18. Gaiduk NM, Klos LE, Stavkova SG, Belyaeva SY, Social work: practical training of students at the educational and qualification level "bachelor": Textbook. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2007. - 164 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control - 40 points.
Credit - 60 points (including pre-completed individual tasks)