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Organizational and Production Systems Management

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.13
Credits: 4
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Professor Yosyf Petrovych Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor Ihor Novakiskyi
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
- in-depth knowledge of the historical foundations of the development of management theory and practice, ideological teachings of the classics of management, fundamental tenets and management paradigms, the latest progressive trends in the development of OBC;
- in-depth knowledge of classical and modern scientific tools for the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes in different areas of management.
- in-depth knowledge of theoretical and applied principles of different types and areas of the police force;
- the ability to identify and understand cause and effect relationships between economic phenomena and processes in the field of management, to identify and evaluate factors of influence.
Ability to carry out quantitative and qualitative assessment and forecasting of different economic phenomena and processes in the sphere of management;
- ability to develop logical and well-founded sequences, systems, mechanisms, models, etc. for specific ATS in the field of management;
- in-depth knowledge in the field of evaluation of the relevance of scientific research, organization of OBC activities, namely: a deep understanding of the essence of this activity, its most important directions and systematic approach to it in modern conditions; processes of updating of products and the most actual problems of management of these processes in modern conditions;
- the ability to prepare the production of new products at the enterprise, understanding the most important components of the traditional mechanism of production preparation management and characteristics of market management of production preparation, use the achievements of NTP to produce production and improve its management.
- the ability to organize the development of new products, the most important components of the traditional mechanism for managing the development of production of new products and the main characteristics of market management of this process; implementation of scientific and technological progress and management in the organization (implementation of the NTP achievements and its real consequences, the most important components of the traditional NTP management in the organization, construction of market-oriented mechanisms and models of management of the technical and organizational development of the enterprise, the introduction of GVS and GAV at the enterprises as the most important the results of material implementation of the NTP achievements).
- the ability to organize marketing and marketing activities, corporate governance and competitiveness management of the company's products.
Required prior and related subjects:
corequisites: Management of scientific projects
Summary of the subject:
A systematic approach to the problems of the main activity of the organization in modern conditions. Organization as a complex production system and management object. OBC is a means of achieving goals and a way of bringing people together. Dynamics of functioning of organizations and evaluation of their main activity. . Management of innovative activity of organizational and production systems. . Updating of production and technical and technological base of OBC. Management of OBC production activity in market conditions Management system of OBC production. Strategic management of OBC production based on development and implementation of economic strategy. OVS production capacity, its formation and use management. Management of OBC adaptation in conditions of market transformations. Management of OBC diversification in conditions of market transformations. OBC Conversion and Conversion Management. Management of supply and marketing activities at the enterprise, logistical support of production. Management of marketing and marketing activities of the enterprise (organization). Productivity and efficiency of OBC activities.
Recommended Books:
1. Petrovych Y.M. Ekonomika i finansy pidpryiemstva. Pidruchnyk /I.M. Petrovych, L.M. Prokopyshyn-Rashkevych / za zah. red. Petrovycha Y.M. – Lviv: «Mahnoliia 2006», 2014. – 408s.
2. Petrovych Y.M. Ekonomika pidpryiemstva: pidruchnyk / Petrovych Y.M., Kit A. F., Novakivskyi ta inshi, Za zah. red. Y. M. Petrovych. - 2-he vyd., vypr. - Lviv : Mahnoliia-2006, 2007. - 580 s.
3. Petrovych Y.M. Teoriia orhanizatsii. Pidruchnyk / Y.M. Petrovych, K.V. Protsak, H.V. Halaz // za zah. red. Petrovycha Y.M. – Lviv: «Mahnoliia 2006», 2013. – 336s.
4. Petrovych Y.M. Upravlinnia diialnistiu orhanizatsiino-vyrobnychykh system: navchalnyi posibnyk / Y.M. Petrovych. – Kyiv: Vyd-tvo «Znannia», 2013 – 510s.
5. Petrovych Y.M. Upravlinnia innovatsiinymy proektamy: navch. posibnyk / Y. M. Petrovych, I. I. Novakivskyi ; za zah. red. Y. M. Petrovycha. – Lviv: Vyd-vo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2016. – 316 s.
6. Plotkin Ya. D., Pashchenko I.N. Vyrobnychyi menedzhment. V-vo NU «Lvivska politekhnika». Lviv: 1999.
7. Petrovich YM Economy and finance of the enterprise. Tutorial / J.M. Petrovich, LM Prokopishin-Rashkevich / for the head. ed. Petrovich J.M. - Lviv: Magnolia 2006, 2014 - 408p.
8. Petrovich YM Economics of the enterprise: textbook / Petrovich JM, Kit AF, Novakovsky et al. ed. YM Petrovich. - 2nd ed., Ex. - Lviv: Magnolia-2006, 2007. - 580 p.
9. Petrovich YM Organization theory. Textbook / J.M. Petrovich, K.V. Protsak, GV Galaxy // for title ed. Petrovich J.M. - Lviv: Magnolia 2006, 2013. - 336p.
10. Petrovich YM Management of activity of organizational and production systems: a textbook / J.M. Petrovich. - Kiev: Knowledge Publishing House, 2013 - 510s.
11. Petrovich YM Management of innovative projects: tutorial. manual / JM Petrovich, II Novakovsky; for the total. ed. Petrovich. - Lviv: Edition of the Lviv Polytechnic, 2016. - 316 p.
12. Plotkin J.D., Pashchenko I.N. Production management. In the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Lviv: 1999.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- verbal examination, control work (for postgraduate students of correspondence education only) (40%)
- final control (credit): written-oral form (50%)