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Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.23
Credits: 3
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.24
Credits: 3
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: D.Sc. in Economics, Prof. Pyroh Olha
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
1. Form, structure and submit educational materials;
2. Activate students' educational activity;
3. Set educational and educational purpose, to choose the type, type of classes, to use various forms of organization of students' educational activity, diagnostics, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of educational activity;
4. Possess methods and means of composing tasks, exercises, tests on various topics, oral and written translation of subject material;
5. Able to structure and adapt scientific knowledge into educational material;
6. Have a variety of educational technologies.
Required prior and related subjects:
prior subjects:
• Philosophy and Methodology of Science;
• Professional Pedagogy.
related subjects:
• Rhetoric;
• Communication Management.
Summary of the subject:
is aimed at acquiring the skills of carrying out the educational process in the institution of higher education and forming the skills of teaching activity, in particular teaching of special disciplines, the organization of educational and scientific-methodical work in higher education.
Recommended Books:
1. Програма педагогічної практики для здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня доктора філософії спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» / Кузьмін О. Є., Пирог О. В., Дуляба Н. І. – Львів, 2018.
2. Козак Н. Л. Університетська освіта: навч. посібник/ Н. Л. Козак, І. М. Шоробура. – Львів: «Новий Світ-2000», 2011. – 180 с.
3. Дуляба Н.І. Проблеми та перспективи входження українських університетів в світові освітні рейтинги / Н. І. Дуляба // Науковий вісник НЛТУУ. - 2012. – Вип. 22.7. – С. 273-286.
4. Педагогіка вишої школи: навч. посібник / З.Н. Курлянд, Р.І. Хмелюк, А.В. Семенова та ін.; за ред. З.Н. Курлянд. – К:. Знання, 2015. – 495 с.
5. Калашнікова С. Європейська політика модернізації вищої освіти: ключові орієнтири / С. Калашникова // Вища освіта України. – 2012. - № 2. - С. 80-84.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (work at VNS, case study, oral testing) - 70 points;
• final control (test) - 30 points.

Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.25
Credits: 3
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, prof. Chukhray Natalia Ivanovna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
- to conduct a scientific talk and discussion in Ukrainian and foreign languages at the appropriate professional level, present the results of scientific research verbally and in writing, organize and conduct training occupation;
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of management;
- the ability to use modern information and communication tools and technology to ensure effective scientific and professional communications.
Required prior and related subjects:
historical paradigms and modern management theories, professional pedagogy, philosophy and methodology of science.
Summary of the subject:
Psychological and pedagogical bases of organization of educational process in modern higher education. Methodical principles of teaching the subjects of management and training of future managers in a higher institution education. Scientific component of professional training of students in management and activity of the teacher in the conditions of higher education institution.
Recommended Books:
1. Butenko N.Yu. Training of managerial competences / N.Yu. Butenko, A.E. Cherpak - K .: KNEU, 2011. - 444p.
2. Vihrush V.O. High school psycho-tactics: innovative teaching methods / V.O. Vihrushch, S.V. Gumeniuk, O.A. Vihrushch-Oleksiuk. - Ternopil: Step, 2017. - 280 p.
3. Didactic systems in higher education / [ed. - compiler V.V. Boychenko]. - Uman: P.E. Zhovtij OO, 2013. - 121 p.
4. Kovalchuk V. Technology of adult learning on a personal basis oriented approach / Vasily Kovalchuk. - Kiev: School World, 2011. - 125p.
5. Hil FI Fundamentals of management consulting: a textbook / F. I. Khmil. - K .: Akademvidav, 2008. - 240 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on practical work, oral examination (100%)

Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.26
Credits: 3
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.22
Credits: 3
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Olha H. Melnyk
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
1. In-depth knowledge of classical and modern principles of organization of educational process at the university.
2. In-depth knowledge of key forms of organization of study at university.
3. In-depth knowledge of key principles of controlling student learning outcomes at university.
4. Ability to hold lectures.
5. Ability to conduct practical classes.
6. Ability to conduct laboratory classes.
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Within the discipline there are considered the key principles of organization of educational process in the university; basic forms of organization of study at university; the key principles of controlling student learning outcomes at the university; basic principles of carrying out of educational sessions (lectures, practical, laboratory classes).
Recommended Books:
1. Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка: Підручник. / А.І. Кузьмінський, В.Л. Омеляненко. – К.: Знання-Прес, 2003. – С.45-49.
2. Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка у запитаннях та відповідях: Навчальний посібник. / А.І. Кузьмінський, В.Л. Омеляненко – К.: Знання, 2006. – С.9-13.
3.Лозова В. І., Троцко Г. В. Теоретичні основи виховання і навчання. / В.І. Лозова, Г.В. Троцко. – Xарків: “ОВС”, 2012. – 287 с.
4.Мойсеюк Н. Є Педагогіка : навчальний посібник / Н. Є. Мойсеюк. – 5-те вид., доп. і перероб. – Київ : [б. в.], 2009. – 656 с.
5.Пальчевський С.С. Педагогіка: навч. посіб. /С.С. Пальчевський. -К.: Каравела, 2007. - 576 с.
6.Педагогіка: навч. посіб./Н.П.Волкова. – 4-те вид., стереотип. – К. :Академвидав, 2012. – 616 с. – (Серія «Альма-матер»)
7.Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник / Галузяк В.М., Сметанський М.І., Шахов В.І. - Вінниця: ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2012. – С. 8-24.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Semester control is carried out in the form of an undifferentiated credit, which is conducted in the form of verbal express interviewing, performing an individual research task, conducting lectures, practical and laboratory classes in certain disciplines of the basic pedagogical practicum and related topics.

Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 8.073.00.O.21
Credits: 3
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Podolchak N. Y.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
The main tasks of studying the discipline "Pedagogical Workshop" are:
- formation of awareness of the new role of higher education in the context of globalization;
- acquaintance with the main problems of adaptation of higher education of Ukraine to the requirements of the Bologna process;
- mastering the basic principles of organization of educational process in higher educational establishments of Ukraine;
- mastering practical skills and methods of conducting classes;
- awareness of the internal mechanisms of the educational process in higher education;
- acquisition of skills in planning and implementation in practice of various forms, methods, teaching aids, taking into account the specifics of the specialty;
- ensuring their own pedagogical development of higher education applicants as teachers;
- mastering theoretical and methodological and methodological bases of teaching at the current stage of higher education development;
- mastery of organizational forms, technologies and methods of training;
- understanding of the role of educational institutions in society, the main problems of disciplines that determine a specific area of ??its activity;
- activation of students' educational activities;
- mastering the knowledge of the course, sufficient for analytical evaluation, selection and implementation of the educational program, which corresponds to the level of students' readiness, their needs, as well as the requirements of the society.
Required prior and related subjects:
innovation management
Summary of the subject:
General characteristics of higher education and its components as a system and process Trends and Prospects for Higher Education in Ukraine Teacher and student as the main subjects of the learning process. Organization of educational process in the system of training specialists Lecture as a form of organization of education in universities Methodological and methodological principles of conducting seminars, practicals and laboratory classes Methods of organization of independent educational and cognitive activity and individual work of higher education applicants Methods of organization of research work and peculiarities of organization of practical training of students in high school Control of students' educational and cognitive activity. Organization of control measures to check the level of mastering of higher education material  Psychological and pedagogical aspects of educational work in higher education Modern teaching technologies in higher education Innovative pedagogical technologies of activation of training Organization of problem training Integration of research work of teachers and students in higher education.
Recommended Books:
1. Vasianovich GP Pedagogical Ethics: Educ. tool. - K.: Akademvidav, 2011. –248 p.
2. Dichkivska IM Innovative pedagogical technologies: Educ. tool. [2nd edition, supplemented] - K.: "Academic", 2012. - 352 p.
3. Karapuzova ND Fundamentals of pedagogical ergonomics: Educ. tool. / ND Karapuzova, EA Zimnitsa, VM Pomagaibo. - K.: Akademvidav, 2012. - 192 p.
4. Lectures on higher education pedagogy: Textbook / Ed. VI Lozova. - Type 2, Suppl. and exp. - Kharkiv: OBC, 2010. - 480 p.
5. OV Malikhin Organization of independent educational activity of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions: theoretical and methodological aspect: monograph / Alexander Malikhin. - Krivoy Rog: Publishing House, 2009. - 307 p.
6. Teaching Methods in the Higher School: Textbook / OV Malikhin, IG Pavlenko, OO Lavrentyev, GI Matukova. - Kiev: CST, 2014. - 262 p.
7. Meshko GM Introduction to the teaching profession: Educ. tool. - K.: Akademvidav, 2010. - 200 p.
8. Ortinsky VL Pedagogics of Higher School: A Textbook for Students of Higher Educational Institutions / K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2009. - 472 p.
9. Tesluk VM Fundamentals of pedagogical skill: A textbook / In. M. Tesluk, P. G. Luzan, and L. M. Shovkun. - K.: DAKKIM, 2010. - 244 p.
10.. Fitsula MM Pedagogy of the Higher School: Educ. tool. [2nd edition, supplemented] - K.: "Academic", 2014. - 456 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Tests, oral examination, final control (100%, control measure, credit)