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Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.19
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kosar Nataliya
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As the studies results, student has:
Know: the essence of marketing, different approaches to formation of relationship between producer and consumer, the main components of the company`s marketing environment and its marketing information system, the main types of markets, the essence and basic principles of segmentation, the main factors affecting the buyer behavior, features of product policy, pricing, distribution and communication policy of the enterprise, key functions of marketing management
Be able to: determine the nature and main directions of marketing activity, estimate market capacity, perform market segmentation and positioning of company’s goods, investigate factors influencing the decision to purchase the goods, to develop product, pricing, distribution and promotion policy taking into account specificity of company`s market.
Required prior and related subjects:
prerequisites: “Foundations of economic theory”, “Foundations of entrepreneurship”, “Management”;
co-requisites: “Microeconomics”.
Summary of the subject:
The essence of marketing and its modern concept. System and characteristics of modern marketing. Marketing research. Product policy. Marketing pricing. Distribution policy. Marketing communications. Management of marketing activities.
Recommended Books:
1. Котлер Ф., Амстронг П., Сондерс Д., Вонг В. Основы маркетинга. Пер. с англ. – 2-е европ. изд. – М., СПб.; К.: Издательський дом “Вильямс”, 2008. – 944 с.
2. Маркетинг: бакалаврський курс: Навчальний курс: Навчальний посібник / Під загальною редакцією д.е.н., проф. С.М. Ілляшенка. – Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 2004. – 976 с.
3. Маркетинг: Підручник / В.Руделіус, Л.А. Мороз, Н.Ю. Глинський та ін. : Ред.-упор. О.І. Сидоренко, П.С. Редько. – К.: Навчально-методичний центр „Консорціуму із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в УКраїні”, 2009. - 422 с.
4. Мороз Л.А., Чухрай Н.І. Маркетинг: Підручник / За редакцією Л.А. Мороз. – 2-е вид. - Львів: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” ІВЦ “ІНТЕЛЕКТ+”, „Інтелект-Захід”, 2010.- 244 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (30 %): review of case studies, work during practical classes, oral questioning;
Final control (70%, exam).