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Digital Technology in Accounting
Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.M.75
Credits: 6
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor Voskalo Natalia Mykolaivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Ability to form, analyze, store information on business transactions in accounting and report using digital technologies.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Accounting
- Analysis of economic activity
- Accounting
- Analysis of economic activity
Summary of the subject:
Conceptual basis for using digital technologies in accounting and reporting. Accounting with MASTER: Accounting. Electronic document circulation using M.E.Doc program. Maintaining accounting and reporting using the 1C program: Accounting 8 for Ukraine. Use of ERP-systems in the accounting. Possibilities of accounting and reporting using other software products in Ukraine.
Recommended Books:
1. Muravskyi V. Vplyv hlobalnykh tekhnolohichnykh tendentsii na orhanizatsiiu obliku. Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho ekonomichnoho universytetu, № 4, 2017 r., S. 138-148.
2. Novyi tsyfrovyi svit : Yak tekhnolohii zminiuiut derzhavu, biznes i nashe zhyttia / E. Shmidt, D. Koen ; per. z anhl. H. Leliv. – Lviv : Litopys, 2015. – 361 s.
3. Must-have kompetentsii: suchasnyi bukhhalter ta IT-tekhnolohii. Dzherelo dostupu: https://nachasi.com/2018/04/23/suchasnyj-buhgalter-ta-it/
4. MASTER:Bukhhalteriia. Dzherelo dostupu: https://masterbuh.com/
5. M.E.Doc – svoiechasna zvitnist ta prostyi obmin dokumentamy. Dzherelo dostupu: https://www.medoc.ua/uk
2. Novyi tsyfrovyi svit : Yak tekhnolohii zminiuiut derzhavu, biznes i nashe zhyttia / E. Shmidt, D. Koen ; per. z anhl. H. Leliv. – Lviv : Litopys, 2015. – 361 s.
3. Must-have kompetentsii: suchasnyi bukhhalter ta IT-tekhnolohii. Dzherelo dostupu: https://nachasi.com/2018/04/23/suchasnyj-buhgalter-ta-it/
4. MASTER:Bukhhalteriia. Dzherelo dostupu: https://masterbuh.com/
5. M.E.Doc – svoiechasna zvitnist ta prostyi obmin dokumentamy. Dzherelo dostupu: https://www.medoc.ua/uk
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (30%): work on laboratory lessons and protection of reports;
- Final control (70%): semester control (written and oral component).
- Final control (70%): semester control (written and oral component).