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Practice on the Theme of Bachelor's Thesis

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.76
Credits: 6
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Olga Grytsay
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of passing the practice student must:
- to deepen theoretical knowledge gained during studying;
- to acquire skills and practical skills of the accounting department of the enterprise;
- to study the organization and functioning of the economic service of the enterprise;
- know the features of taxation of economic activity of the enterprise..
Required prior and related subjects:
Prospectus: Financial Accounting I, Financial Accounting II, Reporting of Enterprises
Summary of the subject:
1. General characteristics of the practice base. 2. Accounting on the basis of practice by the main functional areas 3. Accounting procedures on the topic of bachelor's qualification work in accordance with the individual task. .
Recommended Books:
Облік і звітність в оподаткуванні. Навч. Посібник. За редакцією М.Я.Яструбський, Л.М.Лучишин, Н.І.Римарської. Львів: Національний університет ,,Львівська політехніка»”(Видавництво Львівської політехніки), 2014. – 478с.
Ткаченко Н.М. Бухгалтерський фінансовий облік, оподаткування і звітність: Підручник. – 7-ме вид. допов. і перероб. – К.: Алерта, 2016. – 928с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Final control (100% protection).