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International Business
Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.00.M.38
Credits: 3
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Yasinska Tetiana Viktorivna
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of the study of the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
1. Ability to assess the effects of globalization of the world economy (opportunities and threats) for the activities of an international enterprise.
2. Owning cross-cultural literacy to take into account the differences between countries in the decision-making process by managers of international enterprises.
3. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the field of trading of international enterprises, the ability to assess the effects of international business transactions on the economies of the participating countries and the global economy as a whole.
4. Ability to demonstrate profound knowledge in the field of investment activity of an international enterprise, ability to assess the effects of state policy on direct foreign investment for the practical activities of international enterprises.
5. Ability to develop an effective strategy for the activity of an international enterprise, taking into account human values, public, state and business interests; the ability to align the organizational structure of an international enterprise with its strategy.
6. Knowledge about the peculiarities of using different instruments of financial transactions of international enterprises.
7. Knowledge of the features of technology and management methods of an international enterprise.
1. Ability to assess the effects of globalization of the world economy (opportunities and threats) for the activities of an international enterprise.
2. Owning cross-cultural literacy to take into account the differences between countries in the decision-making process by managers of international enterprises.
3. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the field of trading of international enterprises, the ability to assess the effects of international business transactions on the economies of the participating countries and the global economy as a whole.
4. Ability to demonstrate profound knowledge in the field of investment activity of an international enterprise, ability to assess the effects of state policy on direct foreign investment for the practical activities of international enterprises.
5. Ability to develop an effective strategy for the activity of an international enterprise, taking into account human values, public, state and business interests; the ability to align the organizational structure of an international enterprise with its strategy.
6. Knowledge about the peculiarities of using different instruments of financial transactions of international enterprises.
7. Knowledge of the features of technology and management methods of an international enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects:
-prerequisite: "Basics of economy and business";
-co- requisite: "International Economics"
-co- requisite: "International Economics"
Summary of the subject:
The educational discipline "International Business" focuses on studying theoretical and practical material on the essence of international entrepreneurship, especially the functioning of an international enterprise in the conditions of globalization of the world economy, the role of differences between countries for the decision-making process by managers of international enterprises, trade and investment activities of the international enterprise, strategy and the structure of the international enterprise, the form of organization of operations and the financial mechanism of operation international companies, especially the management of an international firm. As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist must know and understand the economic basis of the activities of business entities in foreign markets.
Recommended Books:
1. Міжнародний бізнес : підручник./ за ред. проф. В. А. Вергуна. – К.: ВАДЕКС, 2014. – 810с.
2. Гіл Ч. Міжнародний бізнес: Конкуренція на глобальному ринку. – Київ: Видавництво Соломії Павличко «Основи», 2001. – 856с.
3. Рогач О. І. Міжнародні інвестиції: теорія та практика бізнесу транснаціональних корпорацій : підручник для вузів / Олександр Ігорович Рогач . – Київ : Либідь, 2005 . – 718 с.
4. Єрохін В. Л.. Міжнародне підприємництво: навч. посібник / В.Л. Єрохін. - М.: Фінанси і статистика; Ставрополь: АГРУС. – 2008. - 392с.
5. Даниэлс Дж.Д., Радеба Л.Х. Международный бизнес: внешняя среда и деловые операции: Пер. с англ. — М.,1994.
6. Міжнародне середовище бізнесу: конкуренція та регулювання у глобальній економіці / Дж. Майєр, Д. Олесневич. – К.: Либідь 2002. – 703с.
7. Мировая экономика и международный бизнес: Учебник / под ред. Полякова В.В., Щенина Р.К. – М.: КНОРУС, 2005. – 656с.
8. Глобальна економіка: Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. Б.М. Одягайла. - Львів: Магнолія 2006, 2009. - 208 с.
9. Рогач О. І. Транснаціональні корпорації у світовому господарстві. — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2006.- 458с.
10. Основи міжнародних фінансів: Підручник / За ред. О. І. Рогача — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2009. – 367с.
11. Рогач О. І. Транснаціональні корпорації. — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2009. – 789с.
12. Світові фінанси: сучасні тенденції та перспективи розвитку : монографія / О. І. Рогач, О. В. Сніжко, З. О. Луцишин, І. І. Пузанов, В. І. Мазуренко; ред.: О. І. Рогач; Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка. - Київ, 2013. - 351 c.
2. Гіл Ч. Міжнародний бізнес: Конкуренція на глобальному ринку. – Київ: Видавництво Соломії Павличко «Основи», 2001. – 856с.
3. Рогач О. І. Міжнародні інвестиції: теорія та практика бізнесу транснаціональних корпорацій : підручник для вузів / Олександр Ігорович Рогач . – Київ : Либідь, 2005 . – 718 с.
4. Єрохін В. Л.. Міжнародне підприємництво: навч. посібник / В.Л. Єрохін. - М.: Фінанси і статистика; Ставрополь: АГРУС. – 2008. - 392с.
5. Даниэлс Дж.Д., Радеба Л.Х. Международный бизнес: внешняя среда и деловые операции: Пер. с англ. — М.,1994.
6. Міжнародне середовище бізнесу: конкуренція та регулювання у глобальній економіці / Дж. Майєр, Д. Олесневич. – К.: Либідь 2002. – 703с.
7. Мировая экономика и международный бизнес: Учебник / под ред. Полякова В.В., Щенина Р.К. – М.: КНОРУС, 2005. – 656с.
8. Глобальна економіка: Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. Б.М. Одягайла. - Львів: Магнолія 2006, 2009. - 208 с.
9. Рогач О. І. Транснаціональні корпорації у світовому господарстві. — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2006.- 458с.
10. Основи міжнародних фінансів: Підручник / За ред. О. І. Рогача — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2009. – 367с.
11. Рогач О. І. Транснаціональні корпорації. — К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2009. – 789с.
12. Світові фінанси: сучасні тенденції та перспективи розвитку : монографія / О. І. Рогач, О. В. Сніжко, З. О. Луцишин, І. І. Пузанов, В. І. Мазуренко; ред.: О. І. Рогач; Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка. - Київ, 2013. - 351 c.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The student is evaluated in the following areas: the presence of specific skills, their depth, stability and flexibility; the degree of mastering the basic provisions of discipline and their creative application in solving situational problems and cases.
The student is evaluated according to the four-point system. "Excellent" - the student has the full amount of educational material (he has firmly mastered all the program material, revealed his deep understanding, fully responded and substantiated his own conclusions, adopted a reasoned decision and skillfully used in practice, confidently completed the task) ; "good" - the student has mastered the educational material at a rather high level (in general knows all the program material, the question is answered freely, but not widely widely, correctly uses his knowledge in practice, etc.); "satisfactory" - the student has generally mastered the basic educational material, operates it not clearly and confidently, poorly defines the relationships and relations between objects and phenomena (reveals knowledge of only the main material provided by the program, is able to use its knowledge in practice, correctly performs receptions and actions, etc.); "unsatisfactory" - the student generally has a superficial understanding of the basic educational material, can not operate it.
Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes:
Maximum score in points: 100 points, including:
execution of situational exercises (cases) - 40 points;
work on classes - 20 points;
control work - 20 points;
final control test - 20 points.
The student is evaluated according to the four-point system. "Excellent" - the student has the full amount of educational material (he has firmly mastered all the program material, revealed his deep understanding, fully responded and substantiated his own conclusions, adopted a reasoned decision and skillfully used in practice, confidently completed the task) ; "good" - the student has mastered the educational material at a rather high level (in general knows all the program material, the question is answered freely, but not widely widely, correctly uses his knowledge in practice, etc.); "satisfactory" - the student has generally mastered the basic educational material, operates it not clearly and confidently, poorly defines the relationships and relations between objects and phenomena (reveals knowledge of only the main material provided by the program, is able to use its knowledge in practice, correctly performs receptions and actions, etc.); "unsatisfactory" - the student generally has a superficial understanding of the basic educational material, can not operate it.
Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes:
Maximum score in points: 100 points, including:
execution of situational exercises (cases) - 40 points;
work on classes - 20 points;
control work - 20 points;
final control test - 20 points.