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Circulation of Historical-Cultural Values

Major: Museum and Monument Studies
Code of Subject: 6.027.00.M.64
Credits: 6
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: Zinkevych Roman Dmytrovych, Ph.D., docent
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of learning the discipline, the student will have knowledge about:
• the concept of historical and cultural values;
• legal regulation of cultural and historical values;
• the main provisions of assessment and insurance of cultural and historical values;
• issues of inheritance, donation, trade, cultural and historical values;
• circulation of cultural and historical values in museum activities.

After studying the discipline and implementation of practical training the student should be able to:
• absorb the information and apply it in practice;
• interpret and use scientific material in research work and professional activity;
• own legal culture in the regulation of cultural and historical values;
• be in possession of communicative, intellectual and creative methods of presenting information;
• operate large stock of knowledge in order to realize them in research and professional activities.

Required prior and related subjects:
exhibition work, the history of architectural styles, archeology; research work in the museum.
Summary of the subject:
The course in itself includes historical aspects of the regulation of the historical and cultural values; the main forms of treatment of historical and cultural values; legal regulation of historical and cultural values in Ukraine; international agreements on outstanding historical and cultural values; issues of restitution of historical and cultural values; general Aspects of historical and cultural values; method of estimating of basic types of historical and cultural values; insurance of historical and cultural values; physical organization of historical and cultural values; the question of inheritance and donation of historical and cultural values; antiques trade and its legal basis; auction trade as a form of outstanding historical and cultural values; legal aspects of collecting historical and cultural values; Circulation of historical and cultural values in museum activities; modern international experience of legal regulation of historical and cultural values.
Recommended Books:
1. Рутинський М.Й., Стецюк О.В. Музеєзнавство. – К.: Знання, 2008.
2. Горішевський П. та ін. Основи музеєзнавства, маркетингу та рекламно-інформаційної діяльності музеїв. – Івано-Франківськ: Плай, 2005.
3. Закон України «Про вивезення, ввезення та повернення культурних цінностей» (№ 1068-XIV від 21 вересня 1999 р.).
4. Закон України «Про культури» (№ 2778-VI від 14 грудня 2010 р.).
5. Байдахер Фрідріх. Загальна музеологія / За ред. Зеновія Мазурика; Пер. З нім. Х.Назаркевич, О.Лянг, В.Лозинського. – К.: Літопис, 2005.
6. Жигульський З. Мезеи мира. – М.,1989.
7. Пам'ятки України: історія і культура, № 1-2 . - К., 2011-2016.
8. Музеї України: Довідник. – К.: Задруга, 1999.
9. Музейна справа та музейна політика в Україні ХХ ст. – К,: Златограф, 2004.
10. Шляхтина Л.М. Основы музейного дела. – СПб.: Высшая школа, 2005.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Semester evaluation of student learning is carried out according to the total number of points (100) obtained according to the results of current control (40) and the implementation of control measures – examination (60 – both written and oral component