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Branches of Sociology, Part 2
Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.21
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Assistant Shevchenko Z.M.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- The specificity of mass communication as a subject of scientific analysis,
- Establishment and current state of the leading theoretical concepts within which is understanding the role of social media;
be able to:
- Analyze processes in mass communication sociological methods;
- Apply sociological methods to the study of mass communication as a new environment - media environment;
- Examine the structure of institutions and the media;
- Analyze media influence on the level of individuals, groups and society;
- Plan the work in advertising and PR, which is actively used a sociological analysis of mass media and their audience;
- Assess media influence; identify pathogenic texts and resist their influence.
- The specificity of mass communication as a subject of scientific analysis,
- Establishment and current state of the leading theoretical concepts within which is understanding the role of social media;
be able to:
- Analyze processes in mass communication sociological methods;
- Apply sociological methods to the study of mass communication as a new environment - media environment;
- Examine the structure of institutions and the media;
- Analyze media influence on the level of individuals, groups and society;
- Plan the work in advertising and PR, which is actively used a sociological analysis of mass media and their audience;
- Assess media influence; identify pathogenic texts and resist their influence.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Theoretical Sociology,
- Methodology of sociological research,
- Communication technologies,
- Politology.
- Methodology of sociological research,
- Communication technologies,
- Politology.
Summary of the subject:
Mass communication angles in different research traditions (structural functionalism, semiolohichni approaches postmodern approaches). Normative Model of the media. Mass communication and global information potsesy. The effects of mass communication at the level of society, of identity. Media and manipulate public opinion problem. Media and aggressive behavior. Directions empirical studies of mass communication in the domestic and world sociology. Sociological analysis methods media. Applied Research media audiences. Areas of materials applied research media and their audience.
Recommended Books:
- Городяненко В.Г. Социологический практикум.-К.,1994;
- Джовані Джованні Від кременя до кремнію. Історія засобів масової інформації. К., 2003;
- Длі Дж. Основи семіотики.-Львів,2000;
- Землянова Л. Современные американские теориии коммуникации.М., 1995;
- Назаров М.М. Массовая комуникация в современном мире.-М.,2002;
- Социология средств масовой коммуникации. Под ред. Буданцева Ю.П. –М.,1991;
- Федотова Л.Н. Социология массовой коммуникации.-,СПб, 2003;
- Шарков Ф.И., Родионов А.А. Социология массовой коммуникации.-М.,2003;
- Шикун А.И. Социологический практикум.-Минск.,2003.
- Джовані Джованні Від кременя до кремнію. Історія засобів масової інформації. К., 2003;
- Длі Дж. Основи семіотики.-Львів,2000;
- Землянова Л. Современные американские теориии коммуникации.М., 1995;
- Назаров М.М. Массовая комуникация в современном мире.-М.,2002;
- Социология средств масовой коммуникации. Под ред. Буданцева Ю.П. –М.,1991;
- Федотова Л.Н. Социология массовой коммуникации.-,СПб, 2003;
- Шарков Ф.И., Родионов А.А. Социология массовой коммуникации.-М.,2003;
- Шикун А.И. Социологический практикум.-Минск.,2003.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (40%), oral examination, home control work;
- Final control (60% test): test, oral examination.
Total - 100 points.
- Final control (60% test): test, oral examination.
Total - 100 points.