Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Computer Analysis of Sociological Data
Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.58
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: graduate teaching assistant Herus O.I.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
know the basic model of quantitative analysis of sociological data;
be able to use quantitative methods of sociological data analysis (descriptive statistics);
be able to perform statistical processing and analysis of data obtained by quantitative methods of sociological research using SPSS application package;
be able to present research results obtained by quantitative methods.
be able to use quantitative methods of sociological data analysis (descriptive statistics);
be able to perform statistical processing and analysis of data obtained by quantitative methods of sociological research using SPSS application package;
be able to present research results obtained by quantitative methods.
Required prior and related subjects:
Methods of Gathering Sociological Information, P.I,
Methodology and Programming of Sociological Research,
Introduction to Theory of Probability and Social Statistics.
Methodology and Programming of Sociological Research,
Introduction to Theory of Probability and Social Statistics.
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical and methodological principles of quantitative analysis of sociological data. Basic descriptive statistics. Frequency analysis. Crosstabs. SPSS. Sociological interpretation of quantitative indicators. Data visualization. Presentation methods of quantitative sociological research data
Recommended Books:
1. Panina N.V. Tekhnologiia sotsiolohichnoho doslidzhennia. / N. V. Panina. — К.: Naukova dumka, 1995. — 145 s.
2. Paniotto V.I., Maksymenko V.S., Kharchcenko N.M. Statystychnyi analiz sotsiolohichnykh danykh / V.I. Paniotto, V.S. Maksymenko, N.M. Kharchcenko. – K.: Vyd. dim «КМ Akademiia», 2004. – 270 s.
3. Yadov V. A. Strategiia sotsiolohicheskogo issledovaniia: opisaniie, obiasneniie, ponimaniie sotsialnoi realnosti. / V. A. Yadov. — М.: Dobrosvet, 2001 — 596 s.
4. Biuiul A., Tsefel P. SPSS: iskusstvo obrabotki infomatsii. / A. Biuiul, P. Tsefel. — SPb.: Dia-SoftYuP, 2001 — 608 s.
2. Paniotto V.I., Maksymenko V.S., Kharchcenko N.M. Statystychnyi analiz sotsiolohichnykh danykh / V.I. Paniotto, V.S. Maksymenko, N.M. Kharchcenko. – K.: Vyd. dim «КМ Akademiia», 2004. – 270 s.
3. Yadov V. A. Strategiia sotsiolohicheskogo issledovaniia: opisaniie, obiasneniie, ponimaniie sotsialnoi realnosti. / V. A. Yadov. — М.: Dobrosvet, 2001 — 596 s.
4. Biuiul A., Tsefel P. SPSS: iskusstvo obrabotki infomatsii. / A. Biuiul, P. Tsefel. — SPb.: Dia-SoftYuP, 2001 — 608 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (40%)
final control (control measure, test), writing (60%)
final control (control measure, test), writing (60%)