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Visual Sociology

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.70
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: PhD in Sociology Savka V.Y.; PhD in Sociology Guriy B.B.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the capabilities and limitations of methods of visual sociology,
- be able to analyze and interpret social phenomena using visual images, - - to be able to apply the ideas etnometodological, phenomenological, dramatic and other concepts in the analysis of the problems of modern society using methods of visual sociology.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:
• The logic of scientific research,
• Methods of collecting sociological information,
• Programming Methodology and Sociological Research,
• Sociology of Culture

• Sociology of social problems
o Modern Ukrainian society: the sociological analysis
Summary of the subject:
Thematic field and heuristic capabilities of visual sociology. Methods of visual sociology. Hermeneutic, semiotic, structural, discourse analysis in visual sociology, their capabilities and limitations.
Recommended Books:
1. Барт Р. Camera lucida. Комментарий к фотографии. — М., 1997.
2. Миллс Ч.Р. Социологическое воображение. Пер. с англ. О.А. Оберемко. – М.: Издательский дом Nota Bene, 2001
3. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры: учебное пособие для ВУЗов. – М.: Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2004
4. Штомпка П. Визуальная социология. Фотография как метод исследования: -М.: Логос, 2007.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control: Photo project-preparation of essays on the subject of the course, oral examination (50%)
• final evaluation: written examination in the form of testing (50%)