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Logic of Scientific Research (Scientific Seminar), Part 1

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.17
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Candidate of Sociologic Sciences (PhD), docent Savka Viktor Yevgenovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the theoretical and methodological aspects of research in the humanities sciences, particularly educational and scientific researches in the humanities and sociology in particular;
- to be able to plan and conduct educational and scientific sociological research of a descriptive nature (without forming an empirical basis) for the chosen subject at a level of term paper.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Theoretical Sociology,
- Sociology of of education and knowledge.
- Methods of gathering of sociological information,
- The methodology and programming of sociological research.
Summary of the subject:
Scientific knowledge as a form of reflection of reality. Types of educational and scientific research and their features. The methodological part of educational and scientific research. The basic sociological paradigms and their features. The logic of presentation in educational and scientific research (for example, term paper). Making a bibliography in the term work. Graphic design of educational and scientific research.
Recommended Books:
1. Бабосов Е.М. Прикладная социология. - Минск. 2000.
2. Баскаков А.Я., Туленков Н.В. Методология научного исследования.-К., 2004.
3. Еко У. Как написать дипломную работу. Гуманитарные науки.-М., 2003.
4. Паніна Н.В. Технологія соціологічного дослідження. – К., 1995.
5. Цехмістрова Г.С. Основи наукових досліджень.-К., 2004.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• ongoing monitoring: the verbal questioning, test papers (50%)
• final control: written examination in the form of testing (50%)