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Practice of the Interactive Teaching Methods Application in the Organization’s Functioning

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.M.42
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: prof.Klymanska L.D.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
know: peculiarities of interactive learning; basic principles and concepts of interactive learning; types of interactive methods and methods of their application; peculiarities of work with the group taking into account group dynamics; principles of constructing a training program and an interactive seminar; ethical principles of the trainer's work in the group.
be able: to use interactive methods in training seminars and trainings; to develop programs of training sessions on psychological subjects; to select appropriate interactive techniques for the topic of the class and its participants; to conduct interactive methods in the group, specified in the content of the educational topics; to manage the group and control the work of the seminar participants.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theoretical sociology;
Sociology of small groups and organizations
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical foundations of interactive teaching methods. Socio-psychological training mechanisms. Planning and organizing interactive lessons. Structure of the training: introductory procedures. Complex participants at the training. Methods of completion and evaluation of the training. Methods of interactive learning: work in groups, brainstorming, interactive lectures, discussions as an interactive learning method, role-playing game in training, case studies as a learning method.
Recommended Books:
1. Вачков И.В. Основы технологии группового тренинга. Психотехники : Учебное пособие / И.В. Вачков. – М. : Ось-89, 2001.
2. Інтерактивні методи навчання : навч. посібник / [П. Шевчук, П.Фенрих]. – Щецін : WSAP, 2005;
3. Караяни А.Г. Активные методы социально-психологического обучения. / А.Г.Караяни. – М.: [Без изд.], 2003.
4. Сучасний урок. Інтерактивні технології навчання : науково-методичний посібник / О.І. Пометун, А.В. Пироженко ; ред. О.І. Пометун. – К. : А.С.К., 2004.
5. Технології навчання дорослих / [упор. О. Главник, Г. Бевз]. – К. : Главник, 2006.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral interview, participation in discussions, presentation of the research project (40%)
• final control (control measure, exam): written-oral form (60%)