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Social Psychology

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.02.E.80
Credits: 3
Department: Theoretical and Applied Psychology
Lecturer: senior teacher Zakalyk Halyna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the basic directions of history and methodology of social psychology; the psychology of the individual as a subject of society; social and psychological characteristics of interpersonal interactions and the role of communication; psychology of small and large groups; mass phenomenon in large diffuse groups.
- to be able to navigate the modern scientific concepts correctly formulate and solve research tasks of personality characteristics and social groups; use the data in practical life.
Required prior and related subjects:
- General psychology and personality;
- Psychology joint activities;
- Psychology of management;
- Psychology family.
Summary of the subject:
Social psychology: object, tasks, functions, categories and methods. Socialization. Behavior, communication and human activities. Socio-psychological characteristics of communication. Social psychology of groups and intergroup interactions. Applied aspects of social psychology: the formation of patterns of social and psychological reality in specific spheres of individual and group.
Recommended Books:
1. Гапон Н. Соціальна психологія: Навчальний посібник. – Львів, 2007. – 460 с.
2. Москаленко В.В. Соціальна психологія: Підручник. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2005. – 448 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral examination, rapid testing, quality of written practical tasks;
• final control: based on current estimates a 100-point scale.