Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Political Science
Major: International Relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.O.7
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Dr. of Polit. Sc., doc. Mykola Buchyn
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of the essence of the basic concepts, categories and terms of political science;
• knowledge of general characteristics and specifics of subjects of politics;
• understanding of the peculiarities, structure and functions of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities, attributes and functions of the state;
• understanding of the essence, peculiarities and types of forms of government, political regimes and state-territorial structure;
• the ability to describe the system of government in Ukraine;
• the ability to identify and analyze the main directions of foreign policy of Ukraine;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the state’s and the world's social and political processes.
• knowledge of general characteristics and specifics of subjects of politics;
• understanding of the peculiarities, structure and functions of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities, attributes and functions of the state;
• understanding of the essence, peculiarities and types of forms of government, political regimes and state-territorial structure;
• the ability to describe the system of government in Ukraine;
• the ability to identify and analyze the main directions of foreign policy of Ukraine;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the state’s and the world's social and political processes.
Required prior and related subjects:
• History of Ukrainian statehood and culture
• Philosophy
• Philosophy
Summary of the subject:
Politics as a social phenomenon. The subject, functions and methods of political science. Subjects of policy. Political power. The legitimacy of the power. Forms and types of political power. Political system. Political process. Political activity. Political technologies. Political decisions. The process of political socialization. Political participation and its forms. Institute of Political Leadership. Political elites as a subjects of politics. Political parties. Typology of party systems. The democratic principles of elections. The main electoral systems. The evolution of the electoral system of Ukraine. Essence, features, functions and structure of the state. Form of state. State-territorial structure. Monarchical and republican form of government. The lawful state and civil society. Democracy and democratic political regimes. The modern concepts of democracy. The main features of a totalitarian regime. The essence and features of authoritarianism. The system of government in Ukraine. Peculiarity of municipal self-government in Ukraine. Foreign policy. International relations: the essence, types, principles and actors. Factors of force in international politics. Causes and typology of international conflicts. Ukraine in the system of international relations.
Recommended Books:
• Helei S.D. Politolohiia: Navch. posib. / S.D. Helei, S.M. Rutar. – 7-me vyd,, pererobl. i dop. – K.: Znannia, 2008. – 415 s.
• Picha V.M. Politolohiia / V.M. Picha, N.M. Khoma. – Lviv: "Novyi svit-2000"., 2002. – 344 s.
• Politolohiia. Kn. persha: Polityka i suspilstvo. Kn. druha: Derzhava i polityka // A. Kolodii, L. Klymanska, Ia. Kosmyna, V. Kharchenko.– 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dop. – K.: Elha, Nika – Tsentr, 2003.– 664 s.
• Politolohiia: Navch. posibnyk / O.O. Volynets ta in. – Seriia "Dystantsiine navchannia". – № 28. – Lviv: Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2005. – 360 s.
• Shliakhtun P.P. Politolohiia (teoriia ta istoriia politychnoi nauky): pidruchnyk P.P. Shliakhtun. – K.: Lybid, 2002. – 576 s.
• Picha V.M. Politolohiia / V.M. Picha, N.M. Khoma. – Lviv: "Novyi svit-2000"., 2002. – 344 s.
• Politolohiia. Kn. persha: Polityka i suspilstvo. Kn. druha: Derzhava i polityka // A. Kolodii, L. Klymanska, Ia. Kosmyna, V. Kharchenko.– 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dop. – K.: Elha, Nika – Tsentr, 2003.– 664 s.
• Politolohiia: Navch. posibnyk / O.O. Volynets ta in. – Seriia "Dystantsiine navchannia". – № 28. – Lviv: Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2005. – 360 s.
• Shliakhtun P.P. Politolohiia (teoriia ta istoriia politychnoi nauky): pidruchnyk P.P. Shliakhtun. – K.: Lybid, 2002. – 576 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control: (40%): recitation, speeches during practical classes.
• Final control: (60%): exam (tests and theoretical questions).
• Final control: (60%): exam (tests and theoretical questions).