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Energy Safety

Major: International Relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.M.54
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Ivasechko Olga Yaroslavivna, Ph. D in Political Science
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of basic approaches to understanding the essence of international and national security, their varieties;
Ability to distinguish the basic components and the issue of state energy security;
Knowledge and understanding of the stages of historical development and the ability to analyze the current state in ensuring international energy security;
Uunderstanding the nature of the main threats to international and national energy security;
Understanding of energy reserves peculiarities in the world and conflict potential that includes completeness of such stocks;
Knowledge of the regulatory framework and challenges related to ensuring nuclear safety;
Knowledge of basic types and specifics of international organizations in the field of energy security;
Knowledge of the European Energy Charter and the EU energy security problems;
Understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of energy security of Ukraine.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisite: Political Science
Co-requisite: Energy Audit
Summary of the subject:
National and International Security: the nature and main challenges. State energy security and the problem of its ensuring. Global energy security: history, current status, challenges and perspectives. Main energy carriers in the world: reserves dynamics and conflict potential. Nuclear energy: international legal regulation and major risks. International organizations in energy sector and their activities in ensuring of international security. The EU energy security. European Energy Charter. Ukraine energy security: strategy and mechanisms of support.
Recommended Books:
Grem Allison T. Yadernyy terrorizm: samaya strashnaya, no predotvratimaya katastrofa : [per. s angl.] / Allison Grem T.; [predisl. A. A. Kokoshina]; Seriya «Mezhdunar. bezopasnost v KhKhI veke». – M. : Izd-vo LKI, 2007. – 206 s.
Gorbatova Ye. E. Obshchaya vneshnyaya politika i politika bezopasnosti ЄS: razvitie problemy / Gorbatova Ye. E. – M: IYe RAN, 2003. – 64 s.
Enerhetychna bezpeka Ukrainy: Stratehiia ta mekhanizmy zabezpechennia / Za red. A.I.Shevtsova. – Dnipropetrovsk: Porohy, 2002. – 264 s.
Enerhetychna stratehiia Ukrainy do 2030 roku. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu do dzherela: http://www.aes-ukraine.com/documents/5390.html – 48k.
Zabezpechennia enerhetychnoi bezpeky / Rada nats. bezpeky i oborony Ukrainy, Nats. instytut problem mizhnar. bezpeky. – K. – NIPMB, 2003. – 264 s.
Kokoshin A.A. Yadernye konflikty v XXI veke / Kokoshin A.A. - M., 2003.
Krainoznavstvo: dovidnyk / Ya.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 296 s.
Krainoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / Ya.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s.
Kulagin V.M. Mezhdunarodnaya bezopasnost / Kulagin V.M. - M., 2006.
Lipkan V.A. Bezpekoznavstvo: Navch. posibn. - K.: Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu, 2003. – 208 s.
Lipkan V.A. Teoriia natsionalnoi bezpeky: Pidruchn. / Lipkan V.A. – K.: KNT, 2008. – 631 s.
Mala entsyklopediia mizhnarodnoi bezpeky / Za zah. red. Yu.L.Boshytskoho, O.V.Potiekhina. – K.: Vyd-vo Yevropeiskoho universytetu, 2012.
Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn : Navch. posibnyk / L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Yu.R.Lemko, Yu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ya.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 244 s.
Palyvno-enerhetychnyi kompleks Ukrainy na porozi tretoho tysiacholittia / Za redaktsiieiu A.K. Shydlovskoho, M.P. Kovalka / NAN Ukrainy; Pidpryiemstvo «Ukrenerhozberezhennia». – Kyiv.: Ukr. entsyklopedychni znannia, 2001. – 400 s.
Put k energoeffektivnomu budushchemu // Doklad k Konferentsii ministrov "Okruzhayushchaya sereda dlya Yevropy", Kiev, Ukraina, 21-23 maya 2003 g., DEKh . [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu do dzherela: http://www.encharter.org;
Sukhodolia O.M. Enerhoefektyvnist ekonomiky u konteksti natsionalnoi bezpeky: metodolohiia doslidzhennia ta mekhanizmy realizatsii: Monohr. / Sukhodolia O.M. - K.: NADU, 2006. – 400 s.
Turchenko D.K. Formirovanie energosyrevoy bezopasnosti Ukrainy: Monogr. / Turchenko D.K. - NAN Ukrainy. In-t ekonomiki promyshlennosti. - Donetsk, 2007. – 348 s.
Tsyhankova T. M. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii: Navch. posibn. / Tsyhankova T. M., Hordieieva T. F. – K, 2001.
Shevtsov A.I. Enerhetychna bezpeka Ukrainy: stratehiia ta mekhanizmy zabezpechennia / Shevtsov A.I., Zemlianyi M.H., Barannik V.O. ta in. / Za red. A.I.Shevtsova. – Dnipropetrovsk: Porohy, 2002. – 264 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (100%): oral examination, speeches at seminars, writing test.