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European Union in International Relations
Major: International Relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.71
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Ivasechko Olga Yaroslavivna, Ph. D in Political Science
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• Understanding the basic principles of the organizing, financing and socio-economic efficiency of the European Union policy;
• Understanding of the European Union as a unique integration association in international relations through the assimilation of historical features and rules of the EU; enlargement process of EU membership in Central and Eastern Europe, internal changes related to Europeanization;
• Knowledge of establishing legal and political principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU;
• Knowledge of nature, significance and features of ideas and concepts of the Unified Europe; causes and driving forces of European integration processes in 1950-60s; major milestones in transitional phase of European integration in the 1960-70s; prerequisites, causes and consequences of the first EU enlargement; the impact of global economic crisis on the European Community; causes and consequences of intensification of European integration processes in the 1990s; place and role of the EU at the beginning of XXI century; peculiarities of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
• Ability to analyze The Federalist European unification theory; to characterize the Treaty of Rome, to clarify the role and place of the Council of Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, EEC; determine characteristics and contradictions of the process of economic integration; clarify and analyze the Hague summit decisions, evaluate the effects of the 1968-1973 financial crisis, energy crisis, collapse of the «European currency snake»; to single out and analyze key principles in organizing and financing of the EU regional policy, to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of regional policy in the EU; to analyze main provisions of the Maastricht treaty, Amsterdam treaty and the Single European Act; to determine separation powers in defense and security spheres between NATO and the EU; analyze causes of failure in implementation of the EU Constitution; to characterize "Regional approach to the Balkans", "Eastern dimension"; clarify the interpretation, concepts and theoretical explanation of Europeanization, the EU influence on candidate countries, including Ukraine.
• Understanding of the European Union as a unique integration association in international relations through the assimilation of historical features and rules of the EU; enlargement process of EU membership in Central and Eastern Europe, internal changes related to Europeanization;
• Knowledge of establishing legal and political principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU;
• Knowledge of nature, significance and features of ideas and concepts of the Unified Europe; causes and driving forces of European integration processes in 1950-60s; major milestones in transitional phase of European integration in the 1960-70s; prerequisites, causes and consequences of the first EU enlargement; the impact of global economic crisis on the European Community; causes and consequences of intensification of European integration processes in the 1990s; place and role of the EU at the beginning of XXI century; peculiarities of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
• Ability to analyze The Federalist European unification theory; to characterize the Treaty of Rome, to clarify the role and place of the Council of Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, EEC; determine characteristics and contradictions of the process of economic integration; clarify and analyze the Hague summit decisions, evaluate the effects of the 1968-1973 financial crisis, energy crisis, collapse of the «European currency snake»; to single out and analyze key principles in organizing and financing of the EU regional policy, to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of regional policy in the EU; to analyze main provisions of the Maastricht treaty, Amsterdam treaty and the Single European Act; to determine separation powers in defense and security spheres between NATO and the EU; analyze causes of failure in implementation of the EU Constitution; to characterize "Regional approach to the Balkans", "Eastern dimension"; clarify the interpretation, concepts and theoretical explanation of Europeanization, the EU influence on candidate countries, including Ukraine.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisite: International Organizations, Diplomacy of Ukraine
Co-requisite: Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Theory of Civilizations.
Co-requisite: Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Theory of Civilizations.
Summary of the subject:
The origin and development of ideas and concepts of United Europe. Background and the beginning of European integration (1945-1957). Transitional period for European Integration (1958-1969). The first EU enlargement. Finding a ways for deepening European integration (1969-1973). The impact of the global economic crisis on the European Communities (1973-1984). Enhancing of European integration processes in 1985-1992. Peculiarities of European integration transformations in 1990s. A new stage in EU development at the beginning of XXI century. Ukraine and the European Union.
Recommended Books:
1. Yevropeiskyi Soiuz : istoriia i zasady funktsionuvannia : navch. posibn. / V.V. Kopiika, T.I. Shynkarenko; [Za red. L.V. Huberskoho]. – 2-he vyd., vypravl. i dopovn. – K. : Znannia, 2012. – 759 s;
2.Shimmelfennih Frank. Yevropeizatsiia Tsentralnoi ta Skhidnoi Yevropy. / Frank Shimmelfennih, Ulrikh Zedelmaier // Nauk. vyd. – K.: Yunivers, 2010. – 288 s.
3.Shambarovskyi H.O. Rehionalna polityka Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu / H.O. Shambarovskyi // navch. posib. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 187 s.
4. Pravo Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: Navchalnyi posibnyk/ V.M. Beschastnyi, V.P.Filimonov, V.M. Subbotin ta in.; za red. V.M. Beschasnoho. – 2-he vyd. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 336 s.
5. Ukraina v yevropeiskomu bezpekovomu prostori: Monohrafiia / V.A.Manzhola, O.L.Khylko, S.O.Bozhko, V.M.Vdovenko; ker. avt. kol. V.A.Manzhola; za zah. red. V.V. Kopiiky. – K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2012. – 320 s.
2.Shimmelfennih Frank. Yevropeizatsiia Tsentralnoi ta Skhidnoi Yevropy. / Frank Shimmelfennih, Ulrikh Zedelmaier // Nauk. vyd. – K.: Yunivers, 2010. – 288 s.
3.Shambarovskyi H.O. Rehionalna polityka Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu / H.O. Shambarovskyi // navch. posib. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 187 s.
4. Pravo Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: Navchalnyi posibnyk/ V.M. Beschastnyi, V.P.Filimonov, V.M. Subbotin ta in.; za red. V.M. Beschasnoho. – 2-he vyd. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 336 s.
5. Ukraina v yevropeiskomu bezpekovomu prostori: Monohrafiia / V.A.Manzhola, O.L.Khylko, S.O.Bozhko, V.M.Vdovenko; ker. avt. kol. V.A.Manzhola; za zah. red. V.V. Kopiiky. – K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2012. – 320 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40 %): oral examination, speeches at seminars, writing test.
Final control (60%): exam (three-level testing).
Final control (60%): exam (three-level testing).
European Union in International Relations
Major: International Relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.93
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Ivasechko Olga Yaroslavivna, Ph. D in Political Science
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• Understanding the basic principles of the organizing, financing and socio-economic efficiency of the European Union policy;
• Understanding of the European Union as a unique integration association in international relations through the assimilation of historical features and rules of the EU; enlargement process of EU membership in Central and Eastern Europe, internal changes related to Europeanization;
• Knowledge of establishing legal and political principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU;
• Knowledge of nature, significance and features of ideas and concepts of the Unified Europe; causes and driving forces of European integration processes in 1950-60s; major milestones in transitional phase of European integration in the 1960-70s; prerequisites, causes and consequences of the first EU enlargement; the impact of global economic crisis on the European Community; causes and consequences of intensification of European integration processes in the 1990s; place and role of the EU at the beginning of XXI century; peculiarities of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
• Ability to analyze The Federalist European unification theory; to characterize the Treaty of Rome, to clarify the role and place of the Council of Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, EEC; determine characteristics and contradictions of the process of economic integration; clarify and analyze the Hague summit decisions, evaluate the effects of the 1968-1973 financial crisis, energy crisis, collapse of the «European currency snake»; to single out and analyze key principles in organizing and financing of the EU regional policy, to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of regional policy in the EU; to analyze main provisions of the Maastricht treaty, Amsterdam treaty and the Single European Act; to determine separation powers in defense and security spheres between NATO and the EU; analyze causes of failure in implementation of the EU Constitution; to characterize "Regional approach to the Balkans", "Eastern dimension"; clarify the interpretation, concepts and theoretical explanation of Europeanization, the EU influence on candidate countries, including Ukraine.
• Understanding of the European Union as a unique integration association in international relations through the assimilation of historical features and rules of the EU; enlargement process of EU membership in Central and Eastern Europe, internal changes related to Europeanization;
• Knowledge of establishing legal and political principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU;
• Knowledge of nature, significance and features of ideas and concepts of the Unified Europe; causes and driving forces of European integration processes in 1950-60s; major milestones in transitional phase of European integration in the 1960-70s; prerequisites, causes and consequences of the first EU enlargement; the impact of global economic crisis on the European Community; causes and consequences of intensification of European integration processes in the 1990s; place and role of the EU at the beginning of XXI century; peculiarities of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
• Ability to analyze The Federalist European unification theory; to characterize the Treaty of Rome, to clarify the role and place of the Council of Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, EEC; determine characteristics and contradictions of the process of economic integration; clarify and analyze the Hague summit decisions, evaluate the effects of the 1968-1973 financial crisis, energy crisis, collapse of the «European currency snake»; to single out and analyze key principles in organizing and financing of the EU regional policy, to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of regional policy in the EU; to analyze main provisions of the Maastricht treaty, Amsterdam treaty and the Single European Act; to determine separation powers in defense and security spheres between NATO and the EU; analyze causes of failure in implementation of the EU Constitution; to characterize "Regional approach to the Balkans", "Eastern dimension"; clarify the interpretation, concepts and theoretical explanation of Europeanization, the EU influence on candidate countries, including Ukraine.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisite: International Organizations, Diplomacy of Ukraine
Co-requisite: Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Theory of Civilizations.
Co-requisite: Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Theory of Civilizations.
Summary of the subject:
The origin and development of ideas and concepts of United Europe. Background and the beginning of European integration (1945-1957). Transitional period for European Integration (1958-1969). The first EU enlargement. Finding a ways for deepening European integration (1969-1973). The impact of the global economic crisis on the European Communities (1973-1984). Enhancing of European integration processes in 1985-1992. Peculiarities of European integration transformations in 1990s. A new stage in EU development at the beginning of XXI century. Ukraine and the European Union.
Recommended Books:
1. Yevropeiskyi Soiuz : istoriia i zasady funktsionuvannia : navch. posibn. / V.V. Kopiika, T.I. Shynkarenko; [Za red. L.V. Huberskoho]. – 2-he vyd., vypravl. i dopovn. – K. : Znannia, 2012. – 759 s;
2.Shimmelfennih Frank. Yevropeizatsiia Tsentralnoi ta Skhidnoi Yevropy. / Frank Shimmelfennih, Ulrikh Zedelmaier // Nauk. vyd. – K.: Yunivers, 2010. – 288 s.
3.Shambarovskyi H.O. Rehionalna polityka Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu / H.O. Shambarovskyi // navch. posib. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 187 s.
4. Pravo Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: Navchalnyi posibnyk/ V.M. Beschastnyi, V.P.Filimonov, V.M. Subbotin ta in.; za red. V.M. Beschasnoho. – 2-he vyd. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 336 s.
5. Ukraina v yevropeiskomu bezpekovomu prostori: Monohrafiia / V.A.Manzhola, O.L.Khylko, S.O.Bozhko, V.M.Vdovenko; ker. avt. kol. V.A.Manzhola; za zah. red. V.V. Kopiiky. – K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2012. – 320 s.
2.Shimmelfennih Frank. Yevropeizatsiia Tsentralnoi ta Skhidnoi Yevropy. / Frank Shimmelfennih, Ulrikh Zedelmaier // Nauk. vyd. – K.: Yunivers, 2010. – 288 s.
3.Shambarovskyi H.O. Rehionalna polityka Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu / H.O. Shambarovskyi // navch. posib. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 187 s.
4. Pravo Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: Navchalnyi posibnyk/ V.M. Beschastnyi, V.P.Filimonov, V.M. Subbotin ta in.; za red. V.M. Beschasnoho. – 2-he vyd. – K.: Znannia, 2011. – 336 s.
5. Ukraina v yevropeiskomu bezpekovomu prostori: Monohrafiia / V.A.Manzhola, O.L.Khylko, S.O.Bozhko, V.M.Vdovenko; ker. avt. kol. V.A.Manzhola; za zah. red. V.V. Kopiiky. – K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2012. – 320 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40 %): oral examination, speeches at seminars, writing test.
Final control (60%): exam (three-level testing).
Final control (60%): exam (three-level testing).