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Ukraine Diplomacy
Major: International Relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.M.23
Credits: 3
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: PhD in Political sciences, associate professor Demchyshak Ruslan.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
The basic tasks of studying of discipline:
formation of students' holistic and integrated picture of foreign policies of the CEE and SEE countries in the context of international relations in Europe and worldwide through the assimilation of knowledge on the history of foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries during major historical periods of the twentieth century; obtaining of skills in independent thinking and theoretical analysis of patterns of international relations and foreign policy.
Following the completion of the module the student must:
know the history of foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries during the main stages of development of international relations of the twentieth century; features of the foreign policy of various CEE and SEE countries during different historical periods; goals, interests and means of CEE and SEE countries as participants of international relations of outlined historical period; the specific of foreign policy priorities of each country of CEE and SEE region in international relations of the post-bipolar world and under globalization.
be able to analyze the phenomena and processes in international relations and foreign policy; determine historical types of international order; evaluate compliance of processes and actions of the participants of international relations with the principles of international law; identify factors impact on international relations and its amendments; distinguish between declarative and real interests of States; analyze the causes of crises in international relations and identify measures to overcome them; determine the dependence of regional policy on international relations of a global scale.
formation of students' holistic and integrated picture of foreign policies of the CEE and SEE countries in the context of international relations in Europe and worldwide through the assimilation of knowledge on the history of foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries during major historical periods of the twentieth century; obtaining of skills in independent thinking and theoretical analysis of patterns of international relations and foreign policy.
Following the completion of the module the student must:
know the history of foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries during the main stages of development of international relations of the twentieth century; features of the foreign policy of various CEE and SEE countries during different historical periods; goals, interests and means of CEE and SEE countries as participants of international relations of outlined historical period; the specific of foreign policy priorities of each country of CEE and SEE region in international relations of the post-bipolar world and under globalization.
be able to analyze the phenomena and processes in international relations and foreign policy; determine historical types of international order; evaluate compliance of processes and actions of the participants of international relations with the principles of international law; identify factors impact on international relations and its amendments; distinguish between declarative and real interests of States; analyze the causes of crises in international relations and identify measures to overcome them; determine the dependence of regional policy on international relations of a global scale.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisite: EU in international relations, Foreign policy of Ukraine.
- Co-requisites: Foreign policy of Western European countries, Foreign policy of Northern American countries.
- Co-requisites: Foreign policy of Western European countries, Foreign policy of Northern American countries.
Summary of the subject:
CEE and SEE countries: general overview (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Greece). The situation of CEE and SEE countries in the early twentieth century. CEE and SEE countries in the First World War (formation of CEE and SEE countries as subjects of international relations). Foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries in the interwar period. (CEE and SEE countries in Versailles-Washington system of international relations). CEE and SEE countries during the Second World War. Foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries during the period of identification of development ways (1940-1950). CEE and SEE countries in Soviet foreign policy and resistance attempts (countries of CEE and SEE in Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations). The collapse of the bipolar world and the establishment of an independent foreign policy of CEE and SEE countries. CEE and SEE countries in international relations in the post-bipolar world under globalization: the choice of foreign policy priorities.
Recommended Books:
• Debidur A. Diplomatic History of Europe. Holy Alliance from Vienna to Berlin Congress / Trans. from fr. - T. I. 1814-1878. / A. Debidur. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1995. - 507 p.
• Davies, Norman. Europe: History / Norman Davies; [trans. from eng. P.Taraschuk, O.Kovalenko]. - K .: Publishing agency of Solomia Pavlichko "Fundamentals", 2008. - 1464 p.
• Zinchenko A. History of diplomacy from antiquity to the beginning of modern times. Teach. guide / A. Zinchenko. - Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2002. - 564 p.
• History of international relations and foreign policy: XX-beginning of XXI century. : Textbook / [V.F. Salabai, I.D. Dudko, V. Borysenko, M.P. Chub]. - K .: KNEU, 2006. - 368 p.
• The history of the modern world: social and political history of XV-XX centuries .: Textbook. manual / [Gorban Y.A., Bilyk B.I., L. Dyachuk etc ]; Ed. A. Gorban. - Kyiv: Vikar, 2003. - 435 p.
• Motsiyaka P.P. Modern History of Europe and America. - Part 1. - XVII-XVIII centuries .: Lectures / P.P. Motsiyaka. - Nizhyn: Publisher NDU them. Gogol, 2005. - 221 p.
• Essays on the History of Diplomacy of Ukraine / [Galenko S.I., E.E. Kaminsky, S. Kulchytsky etc.] ; Ed. V.A. Smoliya. - K .: Publishing house "Alternatyvy", 2001. - 736 p.
• Modern History: Part Two (1871- 1917). Teach. manual / [Galkin I.S., Yerofeyev M.O., Yefimov G.L. etc.] ; Ed. M. Ovcharenko. - K .: Vyscha shkola. Holovne publishing house, 1979. - 477 p.
• Davies, Norman. Europe: History / Norman Davies; [trans. from eng. P.Taraschuk, O.Kovalenko]. - K .: Publishing agency of Solomia Pavlichko "Fundamentals", 2008. - 1464 p.
• Zinchenko A. History of diplomacy from antiquity to the beginning of modern times. Teach. guide / A. Zinchenko. - Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2002. - 564 p.
• History of international relations and foreign policy: XX-beginning of XXI century. : Textbook / [V.F. Salabai, I.D. Dudko, V. Borysenko, M.P. Chub]. - K .: KNEU, 2006. - 368 p.
• The history of the modern world: social and political history of XV-XX centuries .: Textbook. manual / [Gorban Y.A., Bilyk B.I., L. Dyachuk etc ]; Ed. A. Gorban. - Kyiv: Vikar, 2003. - 435 p.
• Motsiyaka P.P. Modern History of Europe and America. - Part 1. - XVII-XVIII centuries .: Lectures / P.P. Motsiyaka. - Nizhyn: Publisher NDU them. Gogol, 2005. - 221 p.
• Essays on the History of Diplomacy of Ukraine / [Galenko S.I., E.E. Kaminsky, S. Kulchytsky etc.] ; Ed. V.A. Smoliya. - K .: Publishing house "Alternatyvy", 2001. - 736 p.
• Modern History: Part Two (1871- 1917). Teach. manual / [Galkin I.S., Yerofeyev M.O., Yefimov G.L. etc.] ; Ed. M. Ovcharenko. - K .: Vyscha shkola. Holovne publishing house, 1979. - 477 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40%), oral examination, answers on seminars, writing essays.
- Final control (60%): examination (three-level testing).
- Final control (60%): examination (three-level testing).