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Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Micro- and Nano-system Technology
Код дисципліни: 8.153.00.O.7
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Semiconductor Electronics
Лектор: Dr.Sci., Prof. Khoverko Yu.M.
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
As a result of training the student acquires competencies in skills: To apply methods of training in practical activity and to develop communication skills; Develop students' interest in the content of educational material in their chosen specialty; Identify, plan content structures for the training session; Independently conduct lectures, seminars and seminars based on the use of modern educational technologies; Plan and organize students' independent activity; To apply in the process of communication with students the principles of continuous education, inclusive learning and modern philosophy of education; Diagnose their own abilities and abilities of classmates in educational activity; To study results of own educational activity, to carry out its correction; To analyze various pedagogical situations
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Co-requisites: Professional pedagogy
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The curriculum covers: Methods of scientific and pedagogical research in higher education; Features of organization of educational process in higher education institution; The system of higher pedagogical education of Ukraine and foreign countries; Major trends in the development of modern world education; Modern models, technologies, organizational and methodical forms of student education; Content and tasks of the process of education of student youth; Current world trends in educational development; The essence of pedagogical activity, its features; Content, methods, forms and means of training; The essence of the process of education of students, ways of development of the student group; Features of pedagogical communication, its styles, parameters and levels
Рекомендована література:
Butenko N. Communicative skills of the teacher. - K., 2005;
Vitvitskaya S. Fundamentals of higher education pedagogy: a textbook on rating-modular system of education. - K., 2006.
Gladush VA Pedagogy of Higher School: Theory, Practice, History. Educ. tool. / VA Gladush, GI Lysenko - Dnepropetrovsk, 2014.
Dychkivska I. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Tutorial. - K., 2004;
Kovalchuk L., Kovalchuk O. System of education of foreign countries. - Lviv, 2003;
Korsak K. World Higher Education. Comparison and recognition of foreign qualifications and diplomas. - K., 1997;
Klepko S. Modernization Processes in Modern Education. - K., 2008
Vitvitskaya S. Fundamentals of higher education pedagogy: a textbook on rating-modular system of education. - K., 2006.
Gladush VA Pedagogy of Higher School: Theory, Practice, History. Educ. tool. / VA Gladush, GI Lysenko - Dnepropetrovsk, 2014.
Dychkivska I. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Tutorial. - K., 2004;
Kovalchuk L., Kovalchuk O. System of education of foreign countries. - Lviv, 2003;
Korsak K. World Higher Education. Comparison and recognition of foreign qualifications and diplomas. - K., 1997;
Klepko S. Modernization Processes in Modern Education. - K., 2008
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (20%), final control (80%)
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Micro- and Nano-system Technology
Код дисципліни: 8.153.00.O.8
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Photonics
Лектор: Prof. Dr. Bobytskyi Yaroslav Vasyliovych
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
As a result of studying the discipline students should:
- to know:
• the basics of pedagogy, its concepts and categories with their use in professional activity;
• the relationship of pedagogy with other sciences;
• basic methods of scientific pedagogy;
• basic pedagogical technologies and models of education.
- be able to:
• competently use pedagogical skills in discussions and problem-solving;
• have the skills of clear formulation of tasks and conclusions, differentiation of similar terms;
• have concepts about the structure, tasks and goals of learning activities, peculiarities of mastering knowledge, skills and experience (age aspect, innovative learning technologies);
• have problematic questions on the topic;
• independently identify patterns of correlation between the processes of education, training;
• to know the basic approaches to education, their functions, models and methods;
• to set and solve complex engineering problems.
- to know:
• the basics of pedagogy, its concepts and categories with their use in professional activity;
• the relationship of pedagogy with other sciences;
• basic methods of scientific pedagogy;
• basic pedagogical technologies and models of education.
- be able to:
• competently use pedagogical skills in discussions and problem-solving;
• have the skills of clear formulation of tasks and conclusions, differentiation of similar terms;
• have concepts about the structure, tasks and goals of learning activities, peculiarities of mastering knowledge, skills and experience (age aspect, innovative learning technologies);
• have problematic questions on the topic;
• independently identify patterns of correlation between the processes of education, training;
• to know the basic approaches to education, their functions, models and methods;
• to set and solve complex engineering problems.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
- prerequisites:
- co-requisites: basics of photonics.
- co-requisites: basics of photonics.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The essence of pedagogy as a science. Degrees of development of human society. Education as a social function. Basic categories of pedagogy: "development", "education". The concept of "education"
Connection of pedagogy with other sciences. Pedagogy in its development is closely related to philosophy, ethics, psychology, sociology, hygiene, history and is based on their laws.
The need to transfer social experience. Education as a student-family-school.
Teacher and society. Pedagogical concepts: profession, aptitude, skills, pedagogical skills.
The educational system. Pedagogical concepts: education system, principles of education, pre-school education and upbringing, general secondary education, vocational education, higher education, extracurricular education and upbringing.
Team and personality. Pedagogical concepts: collective, primary collective, temporary collective, asset, self-government bodies, leader, perspective of collective development, stages of collective development, functions of collective, functions of collective.
Рекомендована література:
1. Collection of normative acts of Ukraine concerning the organization of educational process in a higher educational institution. - K .: 2003.
2. Omelianenko V.L., Kuzminskyi A.I., Vovk L.P. Pedagogy: tasks and situations. Workshop. - K .: Knowledge-Press, 2006. - 423 p.
3. Korsak K.V. Education, Society, Man in the 21st Century: An Integral-Philosophical Analysis: Monograph. - K .: Publishing house of NDPU, 2004. - 224 p.
4. Naydenov I.M. European Choice of Ukrainian Higher Education // Staff. - 2005. - № 2.
5. Volkova N.P. Pedagogy: A guide for university students. - K .: Academy, 2001. - 576 p.
6. Fitsula M.M. Pedagogy: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - K., 2002. - 528p.
7. Shcherban P.M. Applied pedagogy. - K .: High School, 2002.
2. Omelianenko V.L., Kuzminskyi A.I., Vovk L.P. Pedagogy: tasks and situations. Workshop. - K .: Knowledge-Press, 2006. - 423 p.
3. Korsak K.V. Education, Society, Man in the 21st Century: An Integral-Philosophical Analysis: Monograph. - K .: Publishing house of NDPU, 2004. - 224 p.
4. Naydenov I.M. European Choice of Ukrainian Higher Education // Staff. - 2005. - № 2.
5. Volkova N.P. Pedagogy: A guide for university students. - K .: Academy, 2001. - 576 p.
6. Fitsula M.M. Pedagogy: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - K., 2002. - 528p.
7. Shcherban P.M. Applied pedagogy. - K .: High School, 2002.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
- current control (30%): reports on practical classes;
- final control (70%): final testing.
- final control (70%): final testing.