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Management of Scientific Projects
Спеціальність: Micro- and Nano-system Technology
Код дисципліни: 8.153.00.M.17
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Organizational Management
Лектор: Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Professor
Yosyf Petrovych
Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor
Ihor Novakiskyi
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- a thorough knowledge of the classic and modern tools for developing scientific projects, possessing the skills of comprehensive coverage of subject areas and organizing information exchange, taking into account the lack of analogies in retrospect, narrow specialization of participants;
- understanding of project management methodology in scientific projects, ways of determining the main aspects of preparation of project proposals;
- ability to organize search for investors, create and develop project teams, enter international markets and attract foreign investment, establish relationships with venture organizations;
- ability to manage the risks of the implementation of scientific projects in order to minimize threats due to non-profit orientation, uncertainty of results, long implementation times, complexity of evaluating the results of project implementation;
- in-depth knowledge in the field of evaluation of the relevance of scientific research, the use of project management methods to manage scientific projects, the organization of protection of intellectual property;
- ability to carry out marketing research in scientific projects, evaluate the product of the project in terms of market attractiveness, use the experience of advanced countries in the development of science through the implementation of scientific projects;
- ability to organize the development of a scientific project, make a decision on the start of projects, work on the project launch and preparation of an appropriate package of documents of the stage of initiation, the formation of project portfolios.
- ability to create and develop scientific project management team, conflict resolution.
- understanding of project management methodology in scientific projects, ways of determining the main aspects of preparation of project proposals;
- ability to organize search for investors, create and develop project teams, enter international markets and attract foreign investment, establish relationships with venture organizations;
- ability to manage the risks of the implementation of scientific projects in order to minimize threats due to non-profit orientation, uncertainty of results, long implementation times, complexity of evaluating the results of project implementation;
- in-depth knowledge in the field of evaluation of the relevance of scientific research, the use of project management methods to manage scientific projects, the organization of protection of intellectual property;
- ability to carry out marketing research in scientific projects, evaluate the product of the project in terms of market attractiveness, use the experience of advanced countries in the development of science through the implementation of scientific projects;
- ability to organize the development of a scientific project, make a decision on the start of projects, work on the project launch and preparation of an appropriate package of documents of the stage of initiation, the formation of project portfolios.
- ability to create and develop scientific project management team, conflict resolution.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
corequisites: Management of organizational and production systems
corequisites: Management of organizational and production systems
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Definition and basic features of science. Research methods Content and components of the research process Enterprise development in modern conditions. Methodical bases of scientific project management. Resources for scientific projects. Evaluating the effectiveness of scientific project management. Design, expertise and protection of scientific projects.
Рекомендована література:
1. Kovalchuk V. V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K.: «Slovo», 2009. – 240 s.
2. Petrovych Y.M. Upravlinnia innovatsiinymy proektamy: navch. posibnyk / Y. M. Petrovych, I. I. Novakivskyi ; za zah. red. Y. M. Petrovycha. – Lviv: Vyd-vo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2016. – 316 s.
3. Proektnyi menedzhment: Navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. /A.V.Hrynov, I. A.Dmytriiev, D. U.Bikulova ta in.; Khark. nats. avtomob.-dor. un-t. — Kh., 2006. – 420 s.
4. Upravlinnia proektamy: protsesy planuvannia proektnykh dii [Tekst]: pidruchnyk / I.V. Chumachenko, V.V. Morozov, N.V. Dotsenko, A.M. Cherednychenko. – K.: Universytet ekonomiky ta prava «KROK», 2014. – 673 s.
5. Artemchuk H.I., Kurylo V.M., Kocherhan M.P. Metodyka orhanizatsii naukovo-doslidnoi roboty: Navch. posibnyk dlia studentiv ta vykladachiv vyshch. navch. zakladiv. – K.: Forum, 2000. – 271 s.
6. Bilukha M.T. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv ekonom, spets, vuziv. 3-e vydannia, pereroblene i dopovnene. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2011. – 271 s.
7. Vovkanych S.I., Cherchyk L.M. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia samostiinoi roboty dlia studentiv spetsialnostei „Ekonomika pidpryiemstv”, „Upravlinnia personalom ta ekonomika pratsi” dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia. – Lutsk: LNTU, 2009. – 58 s.
8. Hrabchenko A.I., Fedorovych V.O., Harashchenko Ya.M. Metody naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. Posibnyk. – Kh.: NTU «KhPI», 2009. – 142 s.
9. Ierina A.M., Zakhozhai V.B., Yerin D.L. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. posib. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2004. – 212 s.
10. Klepko S.F. Naukova robota i upravlinnia znanniamy: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Poltava: POIPPO, 2005. – 201 s.
11. Makohon Yu.V., Pylypenko V.V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen v ekonomitsi. – Donetsk: Alfa pres, 2007. – 144 s.
12. Nozdrina L.V. Upravlinnia proektamy: Pidruchnyk / L.V. Nozdrina, V.I. Yashchuk, O.I. Polotai. Za zah. red. L.V. Nozdrinoi. K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2010. - 432 s.
1. Kovalchuk VV Fundamentals of scientific research. Tutorial. - K .: "Word", 2009. - 240 p.
2. Petrovich YM Management of innovative projects: tutorial. manual / JM Petrovich, II Novakovsky; for the total. ed. Petrovich. - Lviv: Edition of the Lviv Polytechnic, 2016. - 316 p.
3. Project management: Educ. tool. for students. higher. teach. closed / AV Grinyov, IA Dmitriev, D. Bikulov and others; Hark. nat. car-do. Univ. - H., 2006. - 420 p.
4. Project Management: Project Planning Processes [Text]: Textbook / IV. Chumachenko, V.V. Morozov, NV Dotsenko, A.M. Cherednichenko. - K .: KROK University of Economics and Law, 2014. - 673 p.
5. Artemchuk GI, Kurilo VM, Kochergan MP Methods of organization of research work: Educ. a guide for students and teachers of higher education. teach. institutions. - K .: Forum, 2000. - 271 p.
6. Belukha MT Fundamentals of scientific research: A textbook for students of economics, specialties, universities. 3rd edition, revised and supplemented. - K .: Higher School, 2011. - 271 p.
7. SI Vovkanich, LM Cherchik. Research methodology. Methodical instructions for carrying out independent work for students of specialties "Business Economics", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" full-time and correspondence forms of study. - Lutsk: LNTU, 2009. - 58 p.
8. Grabchenko AI, Fedorovich VA, Garashchenko Ya.M. Research Methods: Educ. Manual. - Х .: NTU "KhPI", 2009. - 142 p.
9. Erina AM, Zahozhaya VB, Erin DL Research Methodology: Educ. tool. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2004. - 212 p.
10. Klepko S.F. Scientific Work and Knowledge Management: A Tutorial. - Poltava: POIPPO, 2005. - 201 p.
11. Makogon YV, Pilipenko VV Fundamentals of scientific research in economics. - Donetsk: Alpha Press, 2007. - 144 p.
12. Nozdrina LV Project Management: Textbook / L.V. Nozdrina, VI Yashchuk, OI Wrap it up. For the title. ed. L.V. Nostril. K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 432 p.
1. Kovalchuk V. V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K.: «Slovo», 2009. – 240 s.
2. Petrovych Y.M. Upravlinnia innovatsiinymy proektamy: navch. posibnyk / Y. M. Petrovych, I. I. Novakivskyi ; za zah. red. Y. M. Petrovycha. – Lviv: Vyd-vo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2016. – 316 s.
3. Proektnyi menedzhment: Navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. /A.V.Hrynov, I. A.Dmytriiev, D. U.Bikulova ta in.; Khark. nats. avtomob.-dor. un-t. — Kh., 2006. – 420 s.
4. Upravlinnia proektamy: protsesy planuvannia proektnykh dii [Tekst]: pidruchnyk / I.V. Chumachenko, V.V. Morozov, N.V. Dotsenko, A.M. Cherednychenko. – K.: Universytet ekonomiky ta prava «KROK», 2014. – 673 s.
5. Artemchuk H.I., Kurylo V.M., Kocherhan M.P. Metodyka orhanizatsii naukovo-doslidnoi roboty: Navch. posibnyk dlia studentiv ta vykladachiv vyshch. navch. zakladiv. – K.: Forum, 2000. – 271 s.
6. Bilukha M.T. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv ekonom, spets, vuziv. 3-e vydannia, pereroblene i dopovnene. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2011. – 271 s.
7. Vovkanych S.I., Cherchyk L.M. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia samostiinoi roboty dlia studentiv spetsialnostei „Ekonomika pidpryiemstv”, „Upravlinnia personalom ta ekonomika pratsi” dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia. – Lutsk: LNTU, 2009. – 58 s.
8. Hrabchenko A.I., Fedorovych V.O., Harashchenko Ya.M. Metody naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. Posibnyk. – Kh.: NTU «KhPI», 2009. – 142 s.
9. Ierina A.M., Zakhozhai V.B., Yerin D.L. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. posib. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2004. – 212 s.
10. Klepko S.F. Naukova robota i upravlinnia znanniamy: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Poltava: POIPPO, 2005. – 201 s.
11. Makohon Yu.V., Pylypenko V.V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen v ekonomitsi. – Donetsk: Alfa pres, 2007. – 144 s.
12. Nozdrina L.V. Upravlinnia proektamy: Pidruchnyk / L.V. Nozdrina, V.I. Yashchuk, O.I. Polotai. Za zah. red. L.V. Nozdrinoi. K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2010. - 432 s.
1. Kovalchuk VV Fundamentals of scientific research. Tutorial. - K .: "Word", 2009. - 240 p.
2. Petrovich YM Management of innovative projects: tutorial. manual / JM Petrovich, II Novakovsky; for the total. ed. Petrovich. - Lviv: Edition of the Lviv Polytechnic, 2016. - 316 p.
3. Project management: Educ. tool. for students. higher. teach. closed / AV Grinyov, IA Dmitriev, D. Bikulov and others; Hark. nat. car-do. Univ. - H., 2006. - 420 p.
4. Project Management: Project Planning Processes [Text]: Textbook / IV. Chumachenko, V.V. Morozov, NV Dotsenko, A.M. Cherednichenko. - K .: KROK University of Economics and Law, 2014. - 673 p.
5. Artemchuk GI, Kurilo VM, Kochergan MP Methods of organization of research work: Educ. a guide for students and teachers of higher education. teach. institutions. - K .: Forum, 2000. - 271 p.
6. Belukha MT Fundamentals of scientific research: A textbook for students of economics, specialties, universities. 3rd edition, revised and supplemented. - K .: Higher School, 2011. - 271 p.
7. SI Vovkanich, LM Cherchik. Research methodology. Methodical instructions for carrying out independent work for students of specialties "Business Economics", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" full-time and correspondence forms of study. - Lutsk: LNTU, 2009. - 58 p.
8. Grabchenko AI, Fedorovich VA, Garashchenko Ya.M. Research Methods: Educ. Manual. - Х .: NTU "KhPI", 2009. - 142 p.
9. Erina AM, Zahozhaya VB, Erin DL Research Methodology: Educ. tool. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2004. - 212 p.
10. Klepko S.F. Scientific Work and Knowledge Management: A Tutorial. - Poltava: POIPPO, 2005. - 201 p.
11. Makogon YV, Pilipenko VV Fundamentals of scientific research in economics. - Donetsk: Alpha Press, 2007. - 144 p.
12. Nozdrina LV Project Management: Textbook / L.V. Nozdrina, VI Yashchuk, OI Wrap it up. For the title. ed. L.V. Nostril. K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 432 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
- verbal examination, control work (for postgraduate students of correspondence education only) (50%)
- final control (credit): written-oral form (50%)
- final control (credit): written-oral form (50%)
Management of Scientific Projects
Спеціальність: Micro- and Nano-system Technology
Код дисципліни: 8.153.00.M.18
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Information Systems and Networks
Лектор: Professor, Professor of ISN Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences Pasichnyk Volodymyr
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- possession of knowledge and understanding of scientific principles of organization of information marketing and management, their improvement;
- the ability to formulate theoretical and practical decisions in information management and marketing;
- the ability to use knowledge and skills in conducting data collection, modeling of relevant resources and systems in analyzing the competitiveness of an institution;
- the ability to apply the knowledge and practical skills of analysis of relevant regulations, current standards and technical conditions in the industry.
- the ability to formulate theoretical and practical decisions in information management and marketing;
- the ability to use knowledge and skills in conducting data collection, modeling of relevant resources and systems in analyzing the competitiveness of an institution;
- the ability to apply the knowledge and practical skills of analysis of relevant regulations, current standards and technical conditions in the industry.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Methods of analysis and optimization of complex systems.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Introduction to requirements and scientific design. Requirements and quality and process of project implementation. Create and analyze relationships between requirements. Requirements development and modeling. Requirements and testing. The concept of requirements in the field of problems and areas of solutions. Development of systems. General context of the process: input and output requirements; screening strategy and acceptance criteria. The main requirements development process is: an ideal world; developing requirements in the context of change. Information model of general requirements development process: classes of information; approval status; status of verification; status of satisfaction of requirements; internal connections of the information model. The reconciliation process. Analysis and modeling. Receiving requirements and verification status. Concept of problem area. Determination of the basic process. Harmonization of requirements with the customer. Analysis and modeling: identification of stakeholders; development of usage scenarios; defining system boundaries. Obtaining requirements: definition of structure; collection of requirements; determination of acceptance criteria; defining a validation strategy. Problems management requirements development process. Requirements management in the organization of the customer: planning, monitoring the progress of work, changes. Requirements management in the supplier organization: preparation of the commercial proposal, execution of the project. Manage requirements in the manufacturer's organization. Planning, monitoring of work, changes. Technological connections between the works of the project. Reflection of project timing in standards and regulations. The order of changes in the hierarchical structure and the list of works of the project. Critical path method. Determining the duration of the project. Calculation of project calendar and project management plan (project calendars, checkpoints). Basic types and general principles of building organizational structures for project management. Organizational structures in terms of the system of mutual relations of project participants. Project structure in the context of the project content. Comparative characteristics and current trends of project management organizational structures. Requirements for project manager and staff. Models of project team development. Responsibilities in the project and their distribution. Formation of responsibility matrix. Planning to create highly effective project teams. Design document. Evaluation of the results of the examination of the scientific project. Documents on scientific examination of the project. Documents about the experience gained. National Project Management Association. IPMA certification.
Рекомендована література:
1. Katrenko A.V. Upravlinnya IT-proektamy. – L?viv: Novyy svit – 2000, 2011.
2. Katrenko A.V. Systemnyy analiz ob?yektiv ta protsesiv komp?yuteryzatsiyi. – L?viv: Novyy svit – 2000, 2004.
3. Khall E., Dzhekson K., Dyk D. Razrabotka y upravlene trebovanyyamy. M.: Telelogic, 2005.
4. Rukovodstvo k svodu znanyy po upravlenyyu proektamy. Amerykanskyy natsyonal?nyy standart ANSI/PMI 99-001-2004. – Project Management Institute, 2004.
5. Sovremennye metody upravlenyya portfelem proektov y ofys upravlenyya proektamy. Maksymyzatsyya ROI. M.: PM Solutions Soft Systems, 2004.
2. Katrenko A.V. Systemnyy analiz ob?yektiv ta protsesiv komp?yuteryzatsiyi. – L?viv: Novyy svit – 2000, 2004.
3. Khall E., Dzhekson K., Dyk D. Razrabotka y upravlene trebovanyyamy. M.: Telelogic, 2005.
4. Rukovodstvo k svodu znanyy po upravlenyyu proektamy. Amerykanskyy natsyonal?nyy standart ANSI/PMI 99-001-2004. – Project Management Institute, 2004.
5. Sovremennye metody upravlenyya portfelem proektov y ofys upravlenyya proektamy. Maksymyzatsyya ROI. M.: PM Solutions Soft Systems, 2004.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (40%)
final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)
final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)