Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Hydrology of Urban Territories
Спеціальність: Building and Civil Engineering
Код дисципліни: 8.192.00.M.7
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Лектор: Assoc. Prof., PhD Volodymyr Zhuk
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
• knowledge of theories of the surface runoff formation at the urbanized areas;
• knowledge of the laws of stormwater runoff flow at the urbanized catchments and in drainage networks and facilities;
• knowledge of the theory of stormwater management at the urbanized catchments, methods and tools for it's implementation;
• practical knowledge and skills of stormwater drainage system modelling using the methods and facilities of stormwater management;
• ability to develop the optimization schemes of stormwater drainage systems at the urban and industrial areas with the implementation of stormwater best management practices.
• knowledge of the laws of stormwater runoff flow at the urbanized catchments and in drainage networks and facilities;
• knowledge of the theory of stormwater management at the urbanized catchments, methods and tools for it's implementation;
• practical knowledge and skills of stormwater drainage system modelling using the methods and facilities of stormwater management;
• ability to develop the optimization schemes of stormwater drainage systems at the urban and industrial areas with the implementation of stormwater best management practices.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Analytical and Numerical Methods of Research
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Concept, objectives and methods of surface runoff management at urbanized areas. Design features of the stormwater regulating structures. Rainfall - runoff mathematical models. The principles of stormwater hydrographs calculating. Theories and models of the stormwater infiltration. Using the SWMM software for modeling of the stormwater drainage systems. Influence of the topogeodesic parameters of catchment and stormwater drainage network configurations on the runoff hydrographs. Retention and detention stormwater storage tanks: theoretical principles and practical aspects of the application. Stormwater management at the urbanized areas using the infiltration facilities. Stormwater management at the urbanized areas using the green roofs systems and pervious pavements. Using the treated stormwater runoff for the technical purposes. Technical, economic and environmental aspects of the stormwater management.
Рекомендована література:
1. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia – K.: Minrehionbud Ukrainy, 2013. - 128 c.
2. Alekseev M.Y., Kurhanov A.M. Orhanyzatsyia otvedenyia poverkhnostnoho (dozhdevoho y taloho) stoka s urbanyzyrovannыkh terrytoryi: Uchebnoe posobye. - M.: Yzd-vo ASV; SPb.: SPbHASU. - 2000. - 352 s.
3. Tkachuk S.H., Zhuk V.M. Rehuliuvannia doshchovoho stoku v systemakh vodovidvedennia: monohrafiia. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 216 s.
4. Storm Water Management Model. Users Manual. Version 5.0. EPA/600/R-05/040 / Lewis A. Rossman. - Cincinnati: National Risk Management Research Laboratory.- 2009.- 276 p.
2. Alekseev M.Y., Kurhanov A.M. Orhanyzatsyia otvedenyia poverkhnostnoho (dozhdevoho y taloho) stoka s urbanyzyrovannыkh terrytoryi: Uchebnoe posobye. - M.: Yzd-vo ASV; SPb.: SPbHASU. - 2000. - 352 s.
3. Tkachuk S.H., Zhuk V.M. Rehuliuvannia doshchovoho stoku v systemakh vodovidvedennia: monohrafiia. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 216 s.
4. Storm Water Management Model. Users Manual. Version 5.0. EPA/600/R-05/040 / Lewis A. Rossman. - Cincinnati: National Risk Management Research Laboratory.- 2009.- 276 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
final control (exam): written-oral form (100 %)