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Geodesy and Land Management Geodesy and Land Management
Qualification awarded : Philosophy Doctor
Entry year: 2018
Program duration: 2 years
Number of credits: 60 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Third (Doctoral) level, 9-th level of NQF, EHEA third Cycle
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Specific admission requirements: no
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If previous education level had been obtained in another country it is required nostrification, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic National University. There is no machinery of recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the educational and scientific programme and submission of dissertation thesis to defense to specialized scientific council
Characteristics of the educational program:
The educational and scientific program involves the provision of specialized knowledge and training in geodesy and land management. The educational and scientific program is based on the well-known provisions and results of modern scientific research in geodesy, cartography, land management and cadastre, land and real estate valuation, geoinformation systems and technologies, photogrammetry and remote sensing, and focuses on further professional and scientific careers. It is aimed at the development of theoretical and methodological and methodological and applied base of geomatics with emphasis on the latest technologies and trends of topogeodetic and cartographic activity, which deepens the professional scientific outlook and provides a basis for scientific research and further professional and scientific activities. The educational and scientific program covers a wide range of modern innovative vectors for the development of the theory and practice of geodesy and land management, which forms a topical theoretical and applied base for scientific research.
Gained competence:
1. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of national and foreign scientific achievements and theoretical and applied foundations in at least one of the fields of geodesy and land management: geodesy; cartography; land and cadastre; land and real estate valuation; geoinformation systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing (hereinafter referred to as geomatics).
2. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, formulate and refine an important research problem, to solve it to gather the necessary information and formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context.
3. Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of technical solutions in social, social, environmental, economic contexts and project management.
4. Combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop an activity strategy for solving specialty (specialization) tasks taking into account human values, public, state and industrial interests.
1. Ability to work effectively in teams to retrieve, localize, and process data to solve a research problem and take responsibility for organizing work.
2. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and comprehensions of philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional-scientific activity, own scientific outlook and moral and cultural values.
3. Ability to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of a foreign language necessary for the oral and written presentation of the results of scientific research, conducting a professional scientific dialogue, full understanding of foreign scientific texts.
4. To apply knowledge from various subject areas of geomatics to formulate and justify new theoretical propositions and practical recommendations in a particular field of research.
5. To integrate and apply their knowledge on various interdisciplinary areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a particular area of study.
6. To choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in carrying out theoretical and empirical studies in the field of geodesy and land management.
7. To carry out scientific researches and carry out scientific projects on the basis of actual scientific problems, definition of goals and tasks, formation and critical analysis of information base, substantiation and commercialization of research results, formulation of author's conclusions and proposals.
8. To perform mathematical and statistical modeling and socio-economic diagnostics of various processes and objects in the field of geomatics.
9. Ability to apply modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications.
1. Conduct scientific discussion and discussion in Ukrainian and foreign language at the appropriate professional level, present the results of scientific research in oral and written form, organize and carry out pedagogical work.
2. Ability to formulate own author's conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
3. Ability to be aware of and to be personally responsible for the results of the research.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and accepted according to the procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): Pedagogical Workshops (3 ECTS credits)
Programme director: Prof. Dr. Dorozhynskyy Oleksandr Lyudomyrovych
Occupational profiles of graduates: Occupational profile - Geodesy and Land Management Advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills, developed philosophical and linguistic competences, formed universal skills of the researcher, sufficient for further professional and scientific activity. May occupy positions in public and private higher education institutions, scientific and research institutions in the positions of teachers and researchers, in enterprises and in organizations of various activities and forms of ownership in senior positions.
Access to further studies: Implementation of the scientific program of the fourth (academic) level of higher education of doctor of sciences.
Other program features: No
Institute: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies