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Research Databases in the Field of Architecture, Urban Planning, Art and Design

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.O.3
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Doctor of History, prof. Taras Ya.M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Tasks of the study of the discipline: to acquaint the graduate students with the methods of finding different sources of the dissertation topic, to master the scientific analysis of the selection of the most interesting studies of basic fundamental works, to learn to determine the completeness and authenticity of sources, to identify on their basis the areas of research that are of the greatest interest and science.
As a result of studying the module the graduate student should: be able to collect, analyze and qualify sources by groups, topics; make an annotated index of articles and books on the topic of research work, use under construction sources, reflect different perspectives on solving the problem, justify on the basis of sources that the chosen topic is not enough developed and could become the dissertation topic.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Perevezit: history of architecture. city planning, design.
- Co-requisites: conceptual and terminological apparatus, methodology.
Summary of the subject:
"Source base of research in the field of architecture, urban planning, art and design" - a discipline that studies: the origin of sources, theory and practice of its use in architecture, urban planning, art and design; structure and functions of the source base. Types of sources: written, oral, material, graphic. Principles and methods of scientific research of sources. Use of source information. Systematization and description of sources and groups of sources. Providing research with a credible source base. To make on the basis of the source base a set of scientific facts. Media (Internet technologies) is the main source of scientific research. General citation rules and references to sources.
Recommended Books:
1. Varshavchyk M.Ia. dzherelo istorychne // dzhereloznavstvo istorii Ukrainy: Dovidnyk. Kyiv, 1998.- s. 40-42
2. Voronov V.I. Dzhereloznavstvo istorii Ukrainy: kurs lektsii. – D.,2003.
3. Maisternia istoryka. Dzhereloznavstvo ta spetsialni istorychni dystsypliny / Yaroslav Dashkevych; [Lvivske viddilennia IUAD im. M.S. Hrushevskoho NAN Ukrainy]. – Lviv: Literaturna ahentsiia «Piramida», 2011. – 792 s.
4. Istoriohrafiia, dzhereloznavstvo: (http://www.info-library.com.ua/books-book-191.html) zbirka naukovykh prats.—2009.—200s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (30%): oral questioning, seminars, test, colloquium.
- Final control (70%): carrying out the modular control work on the topic of dissertation work, examination.