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Synthesis of Design and Artistic Activity Arts in Subject-Space Environment Formation

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.M.33
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Lecturers: Prof., Dr. of Arts Bodnar Oleg Yaroslavovych; docent, Candidate of Arts (Ph. D) Motyl Romana Yaroslavivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
• Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of historical and contemporary conceptual and methodological principles of design;
• Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of design;
• Ability to solve complex design and planning tasks and to solve design problems;
• Ability to produce new ideas, show creativity and ability to think systematically;
• Demonstration of competence in modern design concepts;
• Ability to use artistic design tools; understanding of the concepts of "synthesis of arts", "polystylism", "consumer culture");
• Ability to develop logical and grounded design systems, models, etc. for specific artistic objects in the field of design.
Required prior and related subjects:
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous courses:
• Traditions and innovations in the development of European culture;
• A source base for research in the fields of architecture, urban planning, the arts and
• Methodology of scientific research in the field of architecture, urban planning and design;
Related and following courses:
• Problems of synthesis of arts in artistic culture;
• Visual culture of contemporary design;
• Historical paradigms and contemporary theories in architecture and design.
Summary of the subject:
Summary of the subject: Design is a type of artistic and design-based activity aimed at designing a subject environment that is in harmony with the natural environment and satisfies human needs. Synthesis of arts allows, on the basis of a combination of specific means of expression and imaginative possibilities of different types of art, to achieve the most complete embodiment and disclosure of ideological and artistic content of the object-spatial environment. The purpose of the discipline is to identify the nature and process of design and artistic activity in the formation of object-spatial environment. Objectives of the course: - analysis of the essence of design and artistic activity; - research of the phenomenon of graphic design and object-spatial environment; - identification of stages of design and artistic activity; - identification of patterns and principles of shaping the objects of artistic design; - analysis of means of composition in artistic design Individual research tasks correspond to the topic of the dissertation of the graduate student.
Recommended Books:
Recommended learning resources:
1. Aronov V. R. Xudozhnik i predmetnoe tvorchestvo: problemi vzaymodejstvyya materyalnoj y xudozhestvennoj kulturi XX veka. — M.: Sov. xudozhnyk, 1987. — 320 s.
2. Aronov V. R. Dyzajn i iskusstvo. Aktualnie problemi texnycheskoj estetiki. — M.: Znanie, 1984. — 64 s.
3. Danylenko V. Osnovy dyzajnu: Navch.posibnyk. — K., 1996.
4. Zemper G. Praktycheskaya estetyka. — M., 1971.
5. Kurlishhuk B.F. Proektuvannya inter'yeriv zhytlovyh i gromadskyh sporud: Navch. posibnyk. — K., 1995.
6. Legen`ky`j Yu.G. Dy`zajn: kul`turologiya ta estetyka. — K., 2000.
7. Rozenblyum E. Hudozhnyk v dyzajne. — M.: Yskusstvo, 1974.
8. Sy`dorenko V. D. Vizualne mystecztvo vid avangardnyx zrushen` do novitnih spryamuvan`: rozvytok vizual`nogo mystecztva Ukrayiny` XX—XXI st. K.: VX studio, 2008. — 187 s.
9. Hmelovs`kyj 0. Teoriya obrazotvorennya. — Lucz`k, 2000.
10. Holmyansky`j L.M., Shhy`panov A.S. Dyzajn. — M.: Prosveshheny`e, 1985
1. Aronov V.R. Teoreticheskie koncepcyi zarubezhnogo dizajna. — M., 1992.
2. Dizajn ta obrazotvorche mystecztvo: Slovnyk. — Lucz`k, 2000.
3. Mygal` S. Proektuvannya mebliv: Navch.posibny`k. — L`viv, 1999.
4. Nesterenko O. Y. Kratkaya encyklopediiya dizajna. — M.: Molodaya gvardyiya, 1994. — 315 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
- Formative assessment (30%): oral questioning, seminars, tests, colloquium.
- Summative assessment (70%): module control, examenation.