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Visual Culture in Modern Design

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.M.26
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Dyda Iryna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The study of the discipline provides for the formation and development of postgraduate competencies such as:
- ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of historical and contemporary conceptual and methodological principles of design;
- ability to integrate and apply the knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and practical problems in a particular area of study;
- ability to identify current scientific problems, initiate and carry out original scientific research;
- ability to search and critically analyze information;
- ability to produce the innovative design ideas and apply non-standard approaches to solving difficult and atypical problems;
- ability to identify and understand cause and effect relationships between socioal, cultural and artistic phenomena and processes;
- ability to adequately assess current trends in artistic phenomena and processes, and plan a strategy for their development.
Expected, that studying the discipline will help the graduate student in scientific understanding, estimation and forecasting major trends in the development of processes, regarding visual characteristics of object-space environment.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Philosophy and Methodology of Science;
- Traditions and Innovation in the Development of European Culture.
- Semiotics in Project Culture;
- Synthesis of the Arts of Design and Artistic Activity in the Formation of Object-Space Environment;
- Ethno-Cultural Traditions in Modern Design.
Summary of the subject:
Discipline introduces modern scientific interpretations of the concept of visual culture, visual methods of scientific research; the influence of functional tasks of the modern architectural environment on the processes of visual communications, basic principles of video ecology in the context of current requirements to the visual characteristics of the environment; the impact of high technology to the visual characteristics of the design objects. Visual culture of modern design and the main stages of historical development and taking into account the characteristics of ethno-cultural identity.
Recommended Books:
1. Cherkes B.S. Arhitektura suchasnosti. Ostannia tretyna XX- pochatok XXI stolit: navch.posibnyk. – Lviv: NU “Lvivska politehnika”, 2010. – 384 s.
2. Ikonnikov A.V. Iskusstvo, sreda, vremia. Esteticheskaya organizatsya gorodskoy sredy/ - Moskva: Sovietskiy khudoznik, 1984. – 336 s.
3. Posatskyy B.S. Prostir mista I miska kultura )na zlami XX-XXI st.): monohrafy. – Lviv: NU “Lvivska politehnika”, 2007. – 208s.
4. Kadurina A. Simvolika v arhitekturnom dekore (na primere g. Odessy): monohrafy.- Odessa: Astroprint, 2015. – 272 s.
5. Fomenko O.A. Chechelnitskyi. Vizualnaja ekologia arhitektury: monohrafy. – Kharkiv: KhNAGKh, 2011. – 370s.
6. Filin V.A. Videoekologia: chto dla glaz khorosho, a chto plokho/ Moskva: Videoekologia, 2006, - 512 s.
7. Lotman J.M. Niepredskazujemyje mekhanizmy kultury. – Tallin: Tallinskyi Universytet, 2010, - 223 s.
8. Veys H. Vsieobshchaja istoria mirovoj kultury. – Moskva: Eskimo, 2007. – 960 s.
9. Pile J. A History of Interior Design / John Pile, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley& Sons, 2005. – 453p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Final score (maximum 100) consists of points earned for performance Individual research task (20, by results of practical training (20) and by exam results (60).