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Arts Synthesis Issues in Artistic Culture

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.M.31
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Doctor of sciences, prof. Taras Ya.M.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Tasks of studying the discipline: To acquaint the graduate students about the combination of different arts into an artistic whole, which aesthetically organizes the material and spiritual environment of being human. Generate universal skills in a researcher who distinguishes between synthetic arts and individual works based on the synthesis of arts and can find new code that can be used in the number of combined arts.
As a result, the graduate student must: know how to create a work of art, its ideological and philosophical unity, the unity of participation in the artistic organization of space and time, the coherence of scale, proportions, rhythm; how it is organized in the art of quality, capable of activating its perception, communicating to it multifaceted, multifaceted ideas. Be able to find the relation between the arts involved in the synthesis; characterize the work by genre; highlight the most important properties of species and genres in art; apply basic knowledge to create architectural structures for the synthesis of arts, to combine static arts, architectural and artistic synthesis; synthesize at different levels (interior and exterior).
Required prior and related subjects:
- Quill: Architecture. city planning, design.
- Co-requisites: analytical and informational research methods
Summary of the subject:
The concept of the synthesis of the arts, its task of creating material and spiritual being of man. Synthesis of Arts in the History of Architecture. Problems of synthesis of art in art culture. Objects of spatial-plastic synthesis: architecture and monumental art, architecture and arts and crafts. The relation between the arts involved in the synthesis (dominant, subordinate). Factors that give birth to the unification of arts into a new synthetic look. Synthesis of temporary arts (poetry, music).
Recommended Books:
1. Syntez mystetstv v arkhitekturi. - M., 1963
2. Syntez mystetstv i arkhitektura hromadskykh budivel. - M., 1974.
3. Damaz P.F. Art in European Architecture. – N.Y., 1956
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (30%): oral questioning, speaking at seminars.
- Final control (70%): performance of module control work, examination.