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Modern Technological Processes of Polymer and Composite Materials Processing (part 2)

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of Subject: 7.161.06.E.87
Credits: 5
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Professor Oleh Suberlyak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- A thorough knowledge of all modern technical process of manufacturing a wide range of products from polymeric and composite materials;
- Develop the skills of working out technical process for the manufacture of concrete products, calculate tehparametriv, justification of stages and type of equipment;
- To master the impact of process parameters on product quality and productivity of the manufacturing process;
- Be able to respond quickly to abnormal deviations in process technology and recommend activities all of their removal;
- To develop recommendations for the use of process waste and waste creation process lines;
- Have safety issues and safety and to develop a set of specific production activities all over.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Physico-chemistry and properties of polymers;
- Theoretical fundamentals of polymer processing;
- Polymeric Materials;
- Equipment and Foundations of industries;
- Design products and equipment.
Summary of the subject:
Working process of formation of products from plastic sheets by thermoforming (in view of the current strength in design form), the impact of process parameters and method of formation of the variation in thickness and quality products possible types of marriage and miropryyemtva to address them. Processes thermosetting processing by pressing. Description of process technology (preliminary, final and main stage) using compression pressing, dispensing, tabletting and preheating calculation parameters pressing timeline molding process parameters impact on the quality of the product and process performance. The technology of molding products by injection molding, characteristics and scope of use, tehparametry and influence the process. Typical types of marriage while pressing and activities all recommended for their elimination. Physico-chemical principles and modern technology of reinforced (composite) plastics; especially the creation of nanocomposites and their application. Oxygen-free technology of casting and molding products using polymerization products of caprolactam formation. Foam technology. Technology manufacturing of PTFE by sintering.
Recommended Books:
1. О.В.Суберляк, П.І.Баштанник. Технологія переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів (видання ІІ доповнене) -2015, "Растр" -454с.
2. Бортников В.Г. Основы технологии переработки пластических масс: Учебное пособие для вузов. –Л.Химия, 1983, -304с.
3. Лапшин В.В. Основы переработки термопластов литьем под давлением –М.: Химия, -1974, -271с.
4. Гуль В.Е., Акутин М.С. Основы переработки пластмасс. –М.: Химия, 1985, -400с.
5. Sikora R/ Pretworstwo tworyw welkoczastecrkowych: Warszawa, 1993? -528 c.
6. Пахаренко В.А., Яковлева Р.А., Пахаренко А.В. Переработка полимерных композиционних материалов –Киев: Воля, 2006, -552 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Oral questioning, independent written work (40%);
- Final control (control measure - examination): written, oral form (60%)

Modern Technological Processes of Polymer and Composite Materials Processing (part 2) (курсовий проект)

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of Subject: 7.161.06.E.90
Credits: 3
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Professor Suberlyak Oleh
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- be able to use experimental methods of research and technological objects from plastics processing technical process;
- be able to use knowledge of modern methods of obtaining and processing of polymeric and composite materials;
- use the latest achievements in science for the study of modern technical process of formation of products derived materials;
- the ability to search, process and analyze information from different sources (scientific and industrial);
- be able to use computer skills in advanced information technology solutions for experimental and practical problems in processing plastics and composites.
Required prior and related subjects:
- modern processes processing of polymeric and composite materials;
- theoretical fundamentals of plastic processing;
- physico-chemistry of polymers;
- metrology and quality assessment of raw materials and plastic products.
Summary of the subject:
1. Name, which is proposed for a cover page with the name of the master, called high school, where the work year design, name, position and rank of the head. 2. Content - short notation foundation sections, parts, chapters, and other parts of the course project. 3. Introduction - introduction to the range of problems raising the fundamental question of studies mentioned problems, the state at present time, the novelty and relevance. 4. Literature review on a given issue. 5. Experimental part includes a description of raw materials, research methodology, processing experimental data, generalizations and conclusions of the study. 6. Conclusions must meet only because of the material, which is made in the work. 7. Development of the main stages of the process on the basis of the results; processing flowsheet product formation and technological calculations. 8. Conclusion includes summarizing the most significant provisions of research, summing it up, showing justice made by the author of the new provisions and raises questions that need to be addressed. 9. The list of references.
Recommended Books:
1. О.В.Суберляк, П.І.Баштанник. Технологія переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів "Растр" -2015 (видання ІІ доповнене) -454с.
2. Лабораторний практикум з хімії та технології полімерів –Колективна праця під ред. Ірени Словінської/ -Варшава, 1999, -244 с.
3. Методические указания по дипломному проектированию для студентов 5 курса специальности 0828 "Технология переработки пластических масс" –Днепропетровск, 1983 -104 с.
4. Оленев Б.А., Морозкович Е.М., Колошин В.Ф. Проектирование производств по переработке пластических масс. –М.Химия, 1982 -256 с.
5. Каличев Э.Л., Саковцева М.Б. Свойства и переработка термопластов: справ.пособие –Л.: Химия, 1983, -288 с.
6. Методичні вказівки до виконання конструкторсько-технологічної частини курсового проекту з дисципліни "Технологія, обладнання і проектування виробництв переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів" -/Колективна праця під редакцією О.В. Суберляка/ -Львів, -2015, -62 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Writing and graphic-verbal form - 100 points