Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Scientific Research in Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of Subject: 7.161.07.O.103
Credits: 9
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Humenetsky Taras
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the phenomena of glass transition and relaxation processes;
• know the structural transformations of polymers;
• know the thermodynamics and kinetics of highly elastic deformation of polymers;
• Know the patterns of change in strength and dynamic durability of polymeric materials;
• be able to use modern methods of studying the structure and chemical and physical-mechanical properties of polymers;
• be able to purposefully manage the physicochemical processes occurring during the synthesis and processing of polymers, in order to achieve the necessary physical and mechanical properties of products based on them, as well as to know the methods of special methods of studying the structure and properties of polymeric materials;
• be able to correlate between the supramolecular structure and the polymer properties.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Physico-chemistry of polymers;
• Nanotechnology and polymeric materials;
• Theoretical foundations of plastics production and processing technology;
• Technologies for molding plastic products;
• Plastic processing technology;
• Special technological processes for synthesis and modification of polymers.
Summary of the subject:
Experimental studies. Experiment classification, types, and tasks. Metrological support of the experiment. Workplace organization. Technical aspects of research. The role of standards in research. The influence of psychological factors on the quality of the experiment. Statistical processing of experimental data. Measurements and their errors. Classification. Random values. Selection of finite values. Full sample (general population). Probability distribution. Methods of estimation of measured parameters. Average sample characteristics. Variance and correlation coefficient. Normal distribution is the law of Gaussian distribution. Student distribution. Processing of experimental data. Absolute and relative error. Interval estimation using confidence probability. Confidence probability and confidence limits. The confidence intervals of the mathematical expectation of the result for a normal normalized distribution. Confidence limits for small sample (t-test). The biggest mistake possible. Assessment of the adequacy of theoretical solutions. Adequacy determination of small samples (Fisher test). Determination of adequacy of large samples (Pearson test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances with the same sample size (Cochran test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances for samples of different volumes (Bartlett test). Modeling in scientific and technical creativity. Linear regression analysis. The least squares method. Multiple linear regression. Finite difference method. Convert to a linear look. Planning a chemical experiment. The essence of experiment planning theory. Passive and active experiment. Choice of factors and definition of factor space. The principle of randomization. A full factorial experiment. Model coefficients calculation. Validation of coefficients. Model adequacy check. Small replicas. Composition plans. Description of the area close to the extremum. Second-order orthogonal compositional plans. Rotatable second-order Boxer-Hunter plans. Process optimization. Optimization of engineering processes using experiment planning. Optimization of the response function. Steep ascent method (Box-Wilson method).
Recommended Books:
1. Добронравова І.С., Сидоренко Л.І. Філософія та методологія науки. Київ, 2008. 260 с.
2. Основи наукових досліджень. Організація самостійної та наукової роботи студента: Навч. посібник / Я.Я.Чорненький, Н.В. Чорненька, С.Б. Рибак та ін. –К.: ВД«Професіонал», 2006. –208 с.
3. Шейко В.М., Кушнаренко Н.М. Організація та методика науково - дослідницької діяльності: Підручник. –2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. –К.: Знання-Прес, 2002. –295 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Form of current control: written and oral control, performance of control work (30 %);
• Form of semester control: differential credit (70 %).